Bloodlines Parts 37-58

Chapters 37-58 by Night Mistress, Mystique, and DL

Part 37 by Mystique


Jacob smiled gently as he felt Myrriana move a finger. A small amount of warmth was starting to flow through her body. It had started. He looked at her face and saw her eyes flutter. She was coming back, his heart jumped. Her head turned towards him. He stood to his feet and leaned over her.

“Myrriana my darling... It’s I, Jacob.” He spoke softly to her. Her eyes slowly opened to look upon her love.

“Jacob!” She could barely utter his name. He sat down on the bed beside her.

“Shh! Save your strength!” He held her weak hand within his own.

“Did she say something?” Narkissa spilled into the room, to see her Mother’s eyes half opened.

“Narkissa! My Child! Where is your sister?” Her voice was rasp. Narkissa moved to the other side and came to lie next to her.

“Mom! You know she’s going to get Father and his army to help against the elders and theirs.” Narkissa reminded her. Myrriana stared up into the ceiling, as if trying to recall everything.

“I don’t remember anything.” She spoke just above a whisper. Then looked over to her daughter.

“I wish she was here right now. I really wanted to tell her something, as well you.” She tried to each for her daughter’s hand but too weak to lift her arm. Narkissa took her hand.

“What is it Mom?” She asks staring into her mother’s face. She was so pale now, her eyes were growing dark.

“I love you both very much! Tell her that for me.” She was hardly able to breath now.

“Myrriana! She’ll be here soon; you’ll be able to tell her yourself.” Jacob tried to get her to fight what was taking her over. But she was too weak.

“I love you all very much! Always remember that!” She said this with the last breath she could muster up. Her hands went limp, as her life slipped away into night.

“Mom! Mom!” Narkissa kneeled on the bed shaking her mother. Jacob could take it no longer. He lifted the young woman up into his arms, stroking her hair to comfort her. Tears flowed from his eyes. His ladylove was lost to him and now someone will pay dearly.

“Narkissa! Narkissa” He called her name, as he continued to soothe her pain. As much as he could.

“Narkissa! Narkissa! Narkissa!” She sat straight up in the bed, staring into her Mother’s face. She looked around the room, trying to recall her whereabouts.

“Mom?” She looked at her strangely.

“What is wrong with you? I called you several times! You were having a bad dream.” Myrriana sat on the bed next to her daughter. Narkissa looked down at her hands, shaking her head. Then up to her mother.

“I dreamed you had died!” She told her. Myrriana looked surprised.

“Well as you can see, I’m very much alive. But I was and you know how your grandfather sacrificed his life to save me!” Myrriana rehashed her father healing her.

“Yes I know but it just seemed so real. Jacob was there too!” She informed her. Myrriana stood to her feet alarmed. Something was afoot.

“You sense it too?” Narkissa sprung form the bed. Both headed for the door as Myrriana swung it open. Only to be met by the massive chest of her husband, Jacob.

“Myrriana! So it’s true! Apollyon aided you.” He moved into the room. Myrriana followed him.

“Yes he did! But at what a price!” Myrriana grew solemn. Jacob looked at her. She was different. Not the woman he married. She looked at him.

“I’m still the woman you married, Jacob. Just improved. Always remember my love for you has not changed.” She walked up to him gazing in his eyes. He peered into the dark brown eyes searching for the truth. He found what he what he sought and with one arm, wrapped it around her waist and pulled her into him. She tilted her head back to allow him to do what she knew was in his heart. He leaned down and captured her mouth kissing her deeper than he had ever. There connection renewed.

“Oh for crying out loud! Get a room!” Narkissa turned away. Jacob looked over at her.

“We are in a room! Ours!” He turned back to Myrriana.

“We better go to the others. Shena is here!” Myrriana remembered where they were headed.

“Not to worry! Everything is under control!” Jacob informed her. Myrriana allowed her mind to wonder out and she caught what Jacob was saying.

Jenevieve and Hunter came running, then a downed Daina and ran to her. Hunter went to get Geoff, pulling him out of harm’s way. He wanted to kill the evil witch for all she had done, but he saw Andreius was taking care of it.

“No Shena, not anymore. You have no more allies in hell. That connection has been severed as of today. He shall be of no more assistance to you.” Andreius stepped out of the dark hallway and glared at his loves twin.

“You liar! He would never abandon me! He loves me dearly” Shena said with a smug expression.

“Would you like me to demonstrate how much he loves you?” Andreius moved toward her. She will not live another day to harm his family again.

“No Andreius, my love! I will deal with my twin.” Lilliana came to his side and gently grabbed his arm. His head turned to her and he saw in her eyes something. ‘Yes! This might be what will end this madness.

“As you wish, my darling!” Andreius turned and walked over to check on Daina and Geoff.

“Now it’s just you and me, Shena!” Lilliana began to circle her. There they stood the twins ready to engage.

“Yes! I’m going to enjoy sending you to hell!” Shena imitated her moves. Lilliana didn’t say a word. She just moved towards her sister.




Part 38 by Night Mistress


“Yes! I’m going to enjoy sending you to hell!” Shena imitated her moves. Lilliana didn’t say a word. She just moved towards her sister.


Lilliana stared closely at Shena and her eyes darkened. “I’ve been to Hell, and it’s a remarkable place.”


Andreius, and Hunter assisted the others out of the room.


Shena was instantly mindful that something was very different about Lilliana–something she hadn’t seen before. Shena was a bit unnerved by it, but tried to hide it.


Lilliana grinned evilly. “Fear, my sister–you reek of it,” she spat.


Shena smirked. “And you reek of my sloppy seconds. But after all of this I shouldn’t blame you… Andreius’s scent was always irresistible… and his sweet taste still lingers on my palette.”


Lilliana chuckled and her eyes swept away for an instant. Then in the next, she thrust her dagger into Shena’s belly and held it there as she watched the blood begin to run from her sister’s astonished lips. Lilliana waited patiently, her dagger still imbedded within her adversary. She leaned an ear closer and listened to her gasps for air. Shena hadn’t dropped yet; she merely gripped her stomach and doubled over slightly. Lilliana sighed as she waited and then took the little finger of her free hand and dipped it in the cooling blood on Shena’s lips. She tasted the bloody fingertip and looked up smugly. “You know, I don’t taste Andreius on your lips… I taste death.” She then snatched her blade back quickly and let her sister fall to her knees.


Shena groaned slightly but was able to slither to the bed and try to stand. Lilliana let her recover while she placed a foot up on an old wooden chest and cleaned her blade with a piece of cloth. When she was done, Shena had managed to climb up onto the bed and fall to her back. A brilliant purple and white light began to emanate from with her wound.


“Yes,” said Lilliana. “Heal yourself. We are not yet done.”


Shena’s face began to scowl with anger as her wound healed. She stood and shook off the last of her weakness. She stood head to head with Lilliana and the walls began to quake. “I underestimated you, Lilliana. But I shan’t again,” she warned evilly. She thrust a bolt point blank at her sister, but it was somehow deflected.


Lilliana smiled. “You already have,” she corrected. “Your powers are now useless on me. As your twin, I have finally learned how to connect with you completely. I know your every thought, and every move you are about to make. So I think I’ve trumped you, sister.” She laughed wickedly. “Now run. I am going to thoroughly enjoy this.”


Shena was shocked and furious with rage, but she disappeared from the room nonetheless. When she vanished in a puff of smoke, Lilliana gave her a minute, and then followed after, repeating Shena’s actions exactly.  Lilliana was on her tail.



As the moon began its decent, the hour was nearly upon them. Andreius stood with his brothers Hunter and Geoff in the courtyard when Jacob, Myrriana, and Narkissa arrived. “I am here, brothers,” said Jacob.


Andreius turned to him while Hunter’s eyes remained fixed on Geoff’s. “Jacob,” Andreius replied. “What timing. We were just about to ask Geoff a few questions before we begin.”


Jacob knew intuitively what had happened, so no words were necessary. He walked over to assist in the questioning and placed a heavy hand on Geoff’s shoulder. “Tell us young brother, what happened with that filthy wretch? What did you tell her?” he questioned in almost a growl.


Andreius tried to probe Geoff’s mind, but for some reason could not see clearly. He could only sense a protective energy he’d not seen there before. It was a white light.


“I don’t remember anything,” Geoff insisted. “Please, you must believe me–I remember nothing! But I know I would never tell her anything! I would sooner die! You know this!”


“We know nothing unless you tell us!” Hunter roared. “Why do you block your thoughts?”


“I swear I’m not doing it!” Geoff exclaimed. “I don’t know what is happening! I cannot control it!”


Jacob began to growl.


“Wait!” cried Myrriana. She was suddenly struck with a notion. “He is innocent! I think I know what is happening!” She dove between the brothers and grabbed hold of Geoff. “Come with me! We are going to see Jenevieve!”


Myrriana hurried with Geoff and Narkissa in tow to find Jenevieve. The other brothers were confused; however had no more time to dwell on those matters.


“It is time,” said Andreius. “The ravens fly above in the darkness.”


“Yes,” said Jacob. “Their cries are on the wind.”


The three brothers left to the edge of the black forest and stood at the south, east, and west at equal lengths apart. Andreius began the call. “Our soldiers of the shadows, we summon thee. Loyal protectors of our lands, creatures of the night—hear my call and rise to take your charge.”


Throughout the land and trees there was a massive hush, and up from the ground countless shadows rose. They took the outline of humans as they neared the brothers, but they remained black as pitch with no features to be seen. They were the shadow men. They stood proudly before their masters.


A rumble could be heard in the distance. Another army neared…



Myrriana, Geoff, and Narkissa found Jenevieve sitting alone by a flickering fireplace. She was on her knees staring into the flame. Myrriana stood behind her and sighed with care. “You’ve found your power haven’t you, Jenevieve?”


Jenevieve turned around. She was more pale than usual, but her skin had a radiant glow like never before and her hair was a more brilliant gold. She stood. “I don’t know what’s happening to me,” she explained. “I feel stronger, but lighter. My mind is clearer, more open. And I sense things—”


Myrriana smiled. “Like you sensed Geoff was under attack?”


Geoff was dumfounded.


Jenevieve became worried. “Did I do anything wrong?” she asked.


“No child,” Myrriana chuckled. “You did everything right. And your powers just may come in handy tonight!”



Part 39 by DL


Shena raced away from her twin. Her fear was all consuming at this point. She could feel Lilliana’ power and it was great. She could also feel her own powers dwindling away, providing her enemy with more strength with every passing minute.

Lilliana walked with purpose through the dark forest making certain that she snapped every twig under her feet so that Shena knew she was hot on her trail.

“You have nowhere to go Shena.” Her twin called out. “It’s no use fighting me. Your time is about to end.”

Myrriana watched Jenevieve intently as she stared into the fire. “You know Shena will try again, don’t you?”

“I know.” Jenevieve answered, not looking away from the dancing flames.

“We have a tad of planning to do little sister.” Myrriana grinned.

Jenevieve recognized that grin. She hadn’t seen it in so long. Myrriana was not planning on losing this battle. She had to grin back.

“I’m ready for it!” Jenevieve jumped up. “We need Geoff.”

Lilliana was taking her time and enjoying the pursuit. She could feel how intimidated her twin was. Shena had no shields now. Everything was open for Lilliana to absorb.

Shena felt the sweat trickle down her neck. She was tired of running but there was no way she would be defeated by her sister. Using her dwindling powers she set a fire about 10 miles north of where she was located, she hoped it would send Lilliana in the wrong direction. She knew her rouse had failed when she heard her sister laugh.

“You think that would throw me off your trail Shena? I can smell your stench down in the valley, up in the mountains. There is no hiding from me.” Lilliana called out to her, while throwing a bolt of energy about a foot away from where Shena stood making her jump when it hit. “I have you in my sights dear sister.” Lilliana mocked her. “You have nowhere to go.”

“No way.” Daina shook her head. “You aren’t using Geoff as your pawn. He isn’t a plaything.” Glaring at her sisters Daina felt a warm hand on her shoulder.

“We have to defeat her Daina.” Geoff sat next to her. “I know that I’ll be safe with Myrriana and Jenevieve behind me.”

“When the hell did your powers get so strong?” Daina asked Jenevieve crossly. “We’re mortal remember?”

Jenevieve sweetly smiled back and replied “I applied myself Daina, remember? The entire time you were chasing boys around in your youth, I was studying. The instructors always told Mom that you never applied yourself. Too busy socializing.” Jenevieve held her pointer finger up and made a tsk, tsk sound.

Daina couldn’t contain it anymore. She burst out laughing. “Ok, ok if Geoff is fine with it, then so am I.” Raising an eyebrow at Jenevieve she finished with “I hope you learned well.”

Jenevieve simply nodded with a smile.

Shena whipped her head up, she could feel something. It was Geoff. She could read his thoughts. He was feeling something for her. Was it compassion? A most evil and self-indulgent smirk crossed her face. He would save her. She turned and headed back towards the castle, concentrating on his thoughts.

“You’ve planted the thoughts Shena needs to see and blocked the others right Jenevieve?” Myrriana inquired.

“I have.” Jenevieve nodded. “Have you alerted Lilliana that this is all going down?”

“I am doing that as we speak.” Myrriana replied.

Throwing her head back Lilliana laughed until she cried. Her sisters were always right there for her. Myrrianas plan was brilliant. There was no way Shena could pass up using an innocent pawn in her evil plots. Shaking her head Lilliana muttered “Lazy ass can’t fight her own battles.” Still chuckling, she also turned back towards the castle.

Andreius and Jacobs’s father sat at the marble table looking at his council of elders. “This feud will end tonight and there shall be no ramifications towards my spawn or any of their family members.”

“But my Lord, they have sinned against you. They must pay.”

“None of that is any of your concern. I have spoken!” A plume of smoke billowed around where he had been sitting. He simply had to go to the castle and watch the end of the battle. It was too entertaining to pass up.




Part 40 by Mystique


The three brothers stood at the edge of the black forest. One to the east, one to the west and one to the south, equal lengths apart. Andreius began the call. “Our soldiers of the shadows, we summon thee. Loyal protectors of our lands, creatures of the night, hear my call and rise to take your charge.”

Throughout the land and trees there was a massive hush, and up from the ground countless shadows rose. They took the outline of humans as they neared the brothers, but they remained black as pitch with no features to be seen. They were the shadow men. They stood proudly before their masters.

Suddenly a rumble could be heard in the distance. Another army neared and all stood still as a worthy ally approached.

Kronos and his army arrived to the beginning of the black forest. He commanded his army to stay steadfast. He would go further in to meet with the brothers and see what the situation is. The half human and half beasts murmured amongst themselves. They were hungry for blood and hadn’t come all this way not to taste any. Kronos turned to face them and in his eyes, they knew not to cross this one. They scattered and began to make camp, awaiting his orders.

Overhead Lysandra let out a shrill. She would be going on to the castle to her family. Kronos moved onward and spotted the three brothers, accompanied by their Shadow army. He scanned all before him and moved forward without hesitant. He didn’t fear this ominous army and they seemed to respect the one known as the Beast, as they parted to allow his advance. Andreius, Jacob and Hunter watched him draw nearer. He dismounted and walked up to them. He stood about a head above them.

“It’s been a long time my friend!” Andreius greeted him. Kronos looked at him, and then his eyes went to Jacob, who in turn reciprocated.

“Yes! Too long! So much has happened since I left those many years ago.” He came back to Andreius. Jacob shifted on his feet, wondering if Kronos’ return meant more than protecting his daughters.

“This is true! But it seems we may not need to engage after all!” Andreius informed him. Kronos tilted his head to one side and then to the other.

“How so? The Elders armies remain at your borders! And until they’re gone, I wouldn’t put much stock in what was told to you.” Kronos was well aware of who had spoken to Andreius.

“Then you already know why your army will be unnecessary.” Andreius confirmed what he felt Kronos knew. It was like a cat and mouse game the two were playing. It has been awhile since Andreius has had someone to match his wits.

“In your castle is my family. I will never trust anything that one has to says. He set these events in motion. Now he’s willing to back down. No Andreius, my army and I will stay! Or I will take my family with me and let the lot of you do whatever!” Kronos’ voice sounded as the rolling thunder and in the distance, could be heard his army making their animal noises.

“Family? Then you just say family?” Jacob stepped up to him, to see if he would repeat what he just said. He did!

“Yes Jacob, my best of friends! I said my family!” His body rotated to Jacob and Jacob’s eyes began to turn yellow, as he summoned the beast within.

“Stop!” Andreius’ swift movement wedged him between the two egos.

“We have enough problems than to fight amongst ourselves.” Andreius faced Jacob and sent him a mind wave. Jacob backed away, calming himself and mounted his horse. The three watch him ride off and disappear from sight. Kronos let out a silent growl. He knew where Jacob was going. To Myrriana!

“I don’t mean to chime in and question your decision, my brother. But Kronos is right! Can we trust our father? He is the great deceiver. He invented the word Sociopath! He is the greatest of them all in that aspect.” Hunter reminded Andreius. Andreius stepped away from the two. He knew both Hunter and Kronos had reasons to have doubts. Kronos watched him contemplating and could sense Andreius was having his own dubiety.

Shena ran through the forest with what energy she had left, heading for the castle and to Geoff! Who had sent her a message telling her he would help her, but she needed to come to the castle. She ran stumbling a few times with tears streaming down her face. The worm had turned. How had it come to this point, where the tormented has become the tormentor?

Her twin, Lilliana had taken on her characteristics. She was as crazed as herself. And who better than her knew what length she would go to get rid of her. She pressed on seeking the refuge Geoff offered. Her heart felt as if it would leap from her chest and her lungs were bursting to their limits. She was desperate! Something she hadn’t felt in a long time. She has always had a worthy ally. But now he has turned away from her, leaving her to her own demise. She thought he loved her! She vowed if she gets through this night, she will get her revenge on him. She could just see the tip of the castle as she continued on her quest. It won’t be long before she reached Geoff and his protection.

Lilliana moved through the forest with ease. She was in no hurry, unlike her twin. She was going to enjoy taking out the garbage. Narkissa appeared next to her, as she made her way back to the castle.” Hi Auntie! Need a ride?” She smiled. Lilliana laughed.

“Yes my dear! Don’t mind if I do! I want to be there when my twin gets there. What a surprise awaits her.” They vanished! Leaving the residues of Lilliana’ laughter flowing through the forest.

Shena fell to the ground, not sure she could make it. She knew Lilliana was right behind her and will soon be upon her. She pulled herself to her feet with all the strength she could muster up. She made one step and froze, as a pink mist came towards her.

“Shena! Go back! You are being beguiled. Your sisters are using your hold on Geoff to your disadvantage.” The voice was very familiar as the mist took on a shape.

“Mother!” Shena stepped back. The last time she saw her mother, she had betrayed her. Now she was in a valley of decision.

“Yes, my daughter, come with me! They plan to end your life tonight! That I cannot allow!” Gaia moved towards her daughter. Shena moved backwards ready to flee.

“How do I know you’re not the one trying to keep me from Geoff and kill me yourself?” She shook her head frantic. The walls were closing in on her. She slumped to the ground defeated. She was alone for the first time in her life.

“I’m your mother! I wouldn’t kill any of my children, no matter what some may feel. And I won’t allow them to do that to each other. Come with me if you want to live!” Maybe it was the way her voice sounded or what she said. But Shena weighed out going to the castle and being slaughter! Which she knew would be a great possibility if what her Mother was saying is true. Or going with her mother and live to fight another day. After all, she was one against many. She walked towards her mother and took her hand. Gaia smiled triumphantly and spirited them away from the impending danger.

“Damn her!” Myrriana cried out! At that moment, Narkissa and Lilliana configured in the room. Lilliana could see fury on the face of Myrriana.

“What’s wrong Myrriana?” She came to her. Myrriana looked at her sister and everyone in the room.

“Mother! She’s taken Shena away and where they’re going, for some reason I can’t sense.” Myrriana’s voice had a hint of bewilderment.

“Mother? I thought she was with us on stopping Shena?” Jenevieve was confused.

“I guess after what she did to Myrriana, then Father telling her to leave and never come back. She wanted to connect with family and seeing as how Shena is an outcast. I guess she felt aligning with her would be her best bet” Daina interjected...

“Mother!” Lysandra flew into the room, transforming. Myrriana swirled around to her daughter and gathered her into her arms.

“Oh I have missed you! I understand you went to the dark forest to get the beast and his army.” She pulled her daughter away from her, staring at her. Lysandra got this look on her face, and then her eyes roamed the room. She could see on their faces they hadn’t told her. Myrriana caught the hesitation and squinted her eyes.

“What is it?” Myrriana asked, then caught out the corner of her eye Narkissa shifting nervously on her feet. Her eyes immediately went to her. She could see they were withholding something very vital from her.

“You know what it is also? Tell me now!” She ordered them, eyes shifting from one daughter to the other.

“I’ll tell you!” Jacob’s voice filled the room. Myrriana turned to him and could see the same expression. She didn’t want to have to mind probe. She hadn’t quite harness the power given to her from her father as of yet.

“Then do so Jacob!” She could sense trouble in his heart.

“It’s about the beast!” He started. She tilted her head to one side, not sure what did the beast have to do with all of this.

“I need to talk with you!” He took in a deep breath. “It’s a long story!” Myrriana’s heart sunk, as she could sense the heaviness in the room. She feared what he wanted to talk about was not something light. She couldn’t wait any longer, the suspense was killing her. She touched the minds of each, seeking out what was going on. She froze in shock as it flowed into her mind.

“Oh no! Tell me it’s not so!” She screamed. Lysandra came to her mother.

“Mother, please calm down!” Myrriana glared at her daughter.

“My husband is a live and I wasn’t told?” She looked passed Lysandra and to Narkissa.

“You knew and didn’t tell me?” Myrriana eyes were swelling with tears. Then she whirled around to face Jacob.

“You told me he had died in your arms, all those years ago! You lied to me Jacob! How could you?” She began to cry.

“Myrriana! Please........” She didn’t let him finished. She fled the room, racing down the corridors and made it to the top of the huge stairwell. She could feel Jacob at her back. She glided to the bottom and was out the door before Jacob could get to the top of the stairs. She was going to Kronos! He bowed his head. In his heart, he knew he had lost her!

Kronos stood looking as the moon slowly set and the sun began to rise. He stiffened! He could sense her approaching and hear her racing heartbeat. She was crying that he knew. She was both angered and jubilant at the same time, of knowing he wasn’t dead. He knew there would be some explaining! And after tonight! One of the men of her life will no longer share the wonder of this woman.

“So my dear family! What did I miss?” Old Longhorn stood behind them, as they all stood stunned by the events at hand. Jacob entered the room and eyes grew enraged. He was the last someone or thing Jacob wanted to see.





Part 41 by Night Mistress


Andreius and his brother Hunter stood at the cliff overlooking the sea beyond the castle, the very cliff where Lilliana had once jumped, on the evening that all of their strife seemed to have begun. The red crest of the morning sun began to break across the horizon.


Suddenly, Andreius received a telepathic message from the Shadowmen. The soldiers sent by the Elders were falling back. Something had changed. Andreius informed Hunter and then called to Lysandra with his thoughts. She heard his call and immediately flew into the air transforming into a hawk and soared the borders to verify what Andreius had seen. He was right. Lysandra saw the army retreating.


“Then I won’t have to use this after all,” said Hunter to Andreius. He slipped the magical athame from its sheath on his belt.


Andreius was unsure. “Keep it with you, brother.”


Hunter raised a brow. “Then you do not think this is over?”


Andreius sighed heavily. “Things are not always what they seem.”


Hunter nodded his head and replaced the dagger. He then followed his brother inside.


They saw Myrriana running from the doors and vanish into the woods. The two men looked at each other bewildered and entered the castle. There they were met by Jacob, who looked forlorn, and their father who bore his usual look of suspicion.


Hunter’s eyes shot to the menacing under lord. “What did you do, father?”


“Nothing this time… on my honor.” He replied as he held his hands up innocently.


Andreius, Hunter, and even Jacob turned to look at their father with surprise. Honor was never a word they’d heard come out of his mouth.


Andreius and Hunter then returned to Jacob. They could read his thoughts and knew that Myrriana had found out about Kronos. But she didn’t know everything. She’d left before Jacob could explain. Kronos truly <I>had</I> died in his arms all those years before, but he’d risen again… and not in the form Myrriana had known. He had transformed into a beast and made Jacob swear to never tell her. He knew Jacob cared for Myrriana, and said if he truly loved her, he would keep her safe from the knowledge of what he’d become, and he would protect his daughter always.


Jacob was sick with grief. He didn’t want Myrriana to find out this way. What’s more, Kronos was acting strangely before, as if he would simply walk back into her life and take her from him, after all that had happened. Kronos was not himself. And Jacob was not going to give up on his family so easily. He was both saddened and angered the more he pondered. His eyes quickly turned golden and he began to transform into his terrifying other side. He began to huff and growl–his nails and teeth became sharp. His back and shoulders became stronger, broader, and the hair of his body became denser, longer. He stood tall and his lips quivered as he growled. He suddenly ripped passed his father and brothers and tore out of the castle at lightning speed. He was going to find Kronos.


Hunter wanted to go with Jacob but Andreius held him back.


“I too feel for Jacob,” said Andreius. “But we must let him handle that matter alone for now. We have matters to handle here.” He then turned to his father. The Elder’s soldiers have fallen back.”


“Of course they have,” their father replied in a low tone. “I made it clear the Elders were to cease all moves against you.”


Andreius was uncertain. “But a feeling still remains that something is not right.”


His father scoffed. “Nonsense. They would not defy me.”


Unexpectedly, a voice called out from behind them. “Then I think you will find my news very interesting.” Uncle Paul entered the large foyer, his look was severe. No one had seen him since he’d left in a hurry the night the Elders arrived. Only Andreius has seen him slip away.


Uncle Paul quickly joined the group. “I left to investigate a feeling I had. And what I discovered is most disturbing.” He looked right into the burning eyes of the large horned man and informed him. “The Elders have made their own plans. I have reason to believe they had prior knowledge of Apollyon’s transgressions, and even of Shena’s heritage. They planned everything from the beginning. They even led her to meet Andreius. It has all been part of a much greater plan—a plan to dethrone you, <I>Old Longhorn</I>, and to dispense of any heirs.”


The two brothers were taken aback, but their father was even more. “Impossible!” he blasted. “Where did you hear this?” he asked.


Paul sighed. “Come. Let us sit and speak. I have much more to tell you.”


The four left into the Great Hall.




Lilliana and Narkissa were gathered with Daina, Jenevieve, and Geoff in the library. Lysandra had joined them and told them the Elder’s army had gone away. Now they were completely focused on Shena alone. The attempt to lure her to the castle had been thwarted, and Lilliana suddenly had a revelation.  “I know why our connection with her is broken. I know where she has gone and who took her there.”


Daina stood quickly. “Who? Where?”

Lilliana walked over to the window and peered out as the subtle light from the sun began to illuminate the grounds. “Gaia,” she groaned. Her eyes were like slits. “They’ve gone into another time. I am certain of it!”


“Oh no!” Jenevieve cried. “If they’ve gone into another time, the worlds may collide! Just as it almost did before!”


“She’s right, Lilliana!” Daina exclaimed as she held onto Geoff. “What if things change again?!”


Instantly, something caught Lilliana’s eye in front of the castle—a glimmer of something metal as the sunlight hit it. Her eyes grew wide when she realized what she was looking at. “Jenevieve! Stay with Geoff! The rest of you come with me! Narkissa, Lysandra, do you know how to ride motorcycles?”


“Ride what?!!” They shouted in unison.


Lilliana just looked at them. “Well, you’re gonna learn really quick.”


The four ran out of the castle and into the front. The four brothers’ motorcycles had reappeared from the final time change. The veil was beginning to tear. Gaia and Shena had changed something and the present was beginning to merge with the future.


The women mounted the bikes. If any Elders or anyone else outside their family were to see them, things could be changed forever.


Lilliana and Daina had ridden the mechanical beasts in the future, but the younger girls had not. Daina’s adrenaline was skyrocketing. As she sat on the bike she looked down at her dress. She said aloud, “These clothes won’t do!” And suddenly her clothes changed to pants, boots and a top—similar to what the others were wearing. All of the ladies gasped aloud. She had some type of magic power too. She’d willed the change.


Lilliana shook her head at a bewildered Daina. “I knew you had it in you! Now let’s teach these girls to ride and get out these bikes out of here!”


Lilliana turned to each of the young warriors and blasted them both with a transparent ball of energy. They now had the knowledge to ride. They started their engines and took off ahead of their aunts.  



Uncle Paul was in mid-sentence when the ladies sped off. Andreius and his brother, who shared an immense sense of hearing, heard the rumble. With his mind, Hunter asked his brother, “Did you hear thunder?”


Neither thought it could have been thunder. And for some reason, Andreius’s suspicious thoughts immediately went to Lilliana.




Part 42 by DL


Shena lifted her head as she heard a rumbling in the distance. It sounded almost like a motorcycle.

“It’s Andreius, he’s come for me!” She told Gaia excitedly.

“No Shena, I am positive that is not Andreius.” Her mother answered her nervously.

“Of course it is Mother.” Shena answered back crossly. Throwing the door open she passed through onto the porch. She wanted to welcome him with open arms when he pulled up. Instead of seeing her beloved Andreius she stood face to face with Lilliana.

“I knew this is where you would hide, coward.” Lilliana spat. Pushing her way past Shena she glared even more strongly at her mother.

“And you....We should be able to trust you, but you too have betrayed us. You are no better than her.” She admonished her mother.

Daina stood behind Lilliana, taking it all in. Why had they come here of all places? It was dark and dismal and how did Lilliana know exactly where to find them?

With her weary head in her hands mother simply sighed and replied “Of course this is where I came back to. This is all I know.”

Lilliana’ anger flashed. “How dare you draw Grandma and Grandpa into this?”

“Lilliana, please.” Her mother sighed. “I am not so far in the past that my parents are still alive. I would never put them in harm’s way.”

“You had no problem putting your daughters in harm’s way, why not your parents?”

Shena had heard enough. Roughly pulling Lilliana by the shoulder she growled “Leave mother alone. Your fight is with me.”

Daina raised her eyebrows in shock. Did Shena just do something selfless? Standing up for her mother was in direct conflict with who she was and all she stood for.

This fact was not lost on Lilliana. Turning quickly to her mother she whispered “You changed the past to alter Shena not us.”

Daina, Narkissa and Lysandra all gasped audibly as they watched Shena’s appearance change.

“Mother what have you done to me?” Shena cried out.

The council of elders had reformed back at their lair. “He knows and he has now been angered.” As the council chattered nervously that familiar puff of smoke surfaced and they were faced with a very angry Old Longhorn.

“This will be all of your demise.” He seethed. “This council is of my creation and I fully intend to disband it in the most painful way possible.” With a wave of his hand suddenly the elders were gone. All that was left behind were their cloaks and their distant screams of agony.

Myrrianas tears fell silently into the river she sat by. Not only had Kronos betrayed her but Jacob had as well. She felt someone standing behind her. She knew right away who it was.

“Can’t you understand my darling?” Kronos whispered to her. “The pain and the dismay I would have brought to you and our girls would have been worse than what I let you believe. I did this because I love you so much.”

“Loving me and our girls would have meant letting us make the decision as to what we wanted to do with this information. I had two little girls who were inconsolable. Little girls who cried themselves to sleep every night because they lost their father.” Myrriana answered.

“What would you have done with a man in my position?” He inquired softly. “You would have left me out of rage and humiliation. No woman wants to be married to me, a beast.”

“That is not true. My love for you was pure. Your physical form was of no consequence.” She answered.

“Could it be? Could you still love me and forget all of my transgressions?” Kronos placed a small kiss on her forehead.

The couple was so engrossed in their conversation they didn’t notice the solitary form behind them.

A tear rolled down Jacobs’s cheek. She was gone forever. Of course she would want to be with her first true love.

He walked into the dark forest alone, leaving them to each other.





Part 43 by Mystique


Andreius stood on the wall of his castle. Peering out as the moon set and the sun rose. The threat of the Elders thwarted. Still he knew if his father was so eager to change his plans meant he had a plan B. He felt a chill flow through him. Something was wrong. A shift in the universe had begun and he had no idea why. He could sense the absence of Lilliana, Daina, Lysandra and Narkissa. But there whereabouts wasn’t revealed to him. This he thought was unnerving. Jacob was pursing Myrriana, who was going after Kronos. Those three will have to deal with this triangle. Right now he had bigger fish to fry.

“Andreius!” Uncle Paul came up to him. Andreius kept his sights outward.

“Yes Paul! What is it?” His voice was calm.

“I fear things aren’t good!” He started. Andreius turned to face him. If anyone would know anything, Paul would.

“Yes!” Andreius waited.

“The Elders have been destroyed!” He informed him. Andreius eyes lit up.

“All of them?” He asked stunned. He couldn’t believe his father had gone to such lengths to vanquish the threat the Elders had imposed.

“All of them, Andreius! This isn’t good at all. There will be some repercussions for this act, I’m afraid.” Paul shook his head staring at Andreius, who turned back towards the land.

“There’s even more, Andreius!” He knew this one will not sit well. He could see his body tense up.

“Gaia took Shena to the past! Our family home. And the girls followed them there. It has caused a rift in the universe. This isn’t good Andreius. Not at all!” Paul stood back and watched him closely.

Everything became much clearer to him. This is why he couldn’t sense them. He knew this was only one person’s idea to follow them—his wife’s, Lilliana. He will have to give her a good talking to when he catches up with her. Andreius’ eyes began to turn. Through the castle and generating out to the land, a mighty roar sounded.

Jacob’s ears tensed, hearing his brother’s roar. Something was afoot. He needed to get back to the castle to aid. But he sensed something from Andreius that made him change his mind. He turned back and watched Kronos with Myrriana. He will not give up on her as easily as Kronos had so many years past. He had more faith in their love for each other. He transformed into his beastly side to confront Kronos and take back what belonged to him now. He sprung into the clearing, Myrriana and Kronos turned to him. Jacob growled and Kronos growled back, shoving Myrriana behind him. Jacob straightened up.

“Jacob! What are you doing?” Myrriana yelled at him. He looked upon her and then his eyes went to Kronos.

“You will never have to protect her from me. I would never harm her. Even in this form.” Jacob’s voice was like the rumbling of an earthquake.

“I don’t know that!” Kronos snarled back at him.

“Yeah you do or you wouldn’t have entrusted her into my care those many years back. I’ve been there and will continue to be there. I trust our love!” He gazed into Myrriana’s eyes. Yes, it was there. Her eyes revealed everything. This gave him strength. He transformed back into his manly guise.

“You made a choice, because you didn’t trust her love. I will not make that same mistake. If I have to, I will fight to the death for her.” Jacob stood tall and unmoved. Kronos stepped back and turned to Myrriana, peering into her eyes and unto her heart. He knew as Jacob. What her and him had, left when he did years ago.

“He’s right! I left you and the girls. My ego was more important than you three.” He walked to the forest edge. Myrriana followed, grasping his arm. He came around to her.

“It was never a question of leaving my husband. I wanted to see you and bring closure. You’re both right! Your love of us wasn’t enough. You gave us away just like that and left. My Jacob would have never done it.” She placed her hand on the side of his face.

“I will always love the man you were and care for the beast you have become.” Then she walked away and into Jacob’s arms.

“Tell my daughters they’re always welcome to come see me. I will always be watching over them, as I have always done throughout the years.” He spoke as he faded into the forest. Moments later. A shaking of the earth could be felt as it dimmed in the far distance.

“I will deal with you on this matter later. Right now all I want is to feel your arms about me and your lips upon mine.” Jacob did as she requested of him. The kiss was stronger than any they have given to each other and their commitment renewed.

High above the earth, in a distant mountain. One stood scanning everything and seeing all. A great injustice had been done today. A folly had set time on a collision course. Now he must come down and correct these mistakes.

“I know you thought I was gone, Old Red Demon! But I knew you weren’t to be trusted. I was always stronger than you, and this is why you sought out to destroy me. I only had to give my daughter a small part of myself and disappear, making you think you were free to play with the family. Well I’m BACK!!” Apollyon laughed out loud as he prepared to rejoin his family and set things right again. Time was of the essence.




Part 44 by Night Mistress

(enter Accalia, Andreius catches Lilliana in woods)


As her sisters looked on Shena began to change into her slightly younger former self. Lilliana was not having it. She lunged at Shena, and Gaia tried to stop her. “No, Lilliana! It is the only way!”


“You’re wrong, Gaia!” Lilliana boomed as she gripped Shena by the throat. “You’re supposed to be a great mystic, guardian of nature! But no! You’re trying to disrupt the natural order! The veil is tearing because of you! The past, present, and future are beginning to collide because you want to change things that cannot be changed! I will end this madness once and for all.”


Lilliana turned her glare back to her twin when suddenly a very large red hand came out of the shadows and wrapped its masculine fingers and long black nails around Shena’s body. It snatched Shena into the ethers and disappeared.


“Confounded!” yelled Lilliana. “This is getting ridiculous!” She stormed past Daina and her nieces but not before giving her mother a solemn warning. “I am going after her, and it’s the final time, I assure you. You’d better fix what you’ve started. I have a feeling someone is coming after you too.” She looked her mother up and down defiantly and smirked.


Gaia knew it wouldn’t be long until she had to face her eldest daughter Myrriana.


The nieces followed their aunts outside to the bikes. They all felt a strange energy on the air. Most of the sky was blue, but there was a dark thunderhead in the distance. A storm was on its way. But this was no ordinary storm. Soon the tear in the veil would be visible. The women started back to the castle where they would hide the bikes in the stables. As they rode, Lilliana could feel that they were not alone but she pressed on. They arrived at the castle, hid the bikes in the stables, cooled them with magic and masked them with piles of hay.


Lilliana turned to Daina. “Take the girls and go to Geoff, Jenevieve, and Hunter. The men will know how to protect you.”


“What about you?” Daina asked.


“I go to Shena. Because of mother’s futile plot, I now know when Shena turned so vehemently against us. And because our sinister father-in-law saved her, I also know <I>why</I> she turned against us.”


Daina understood as well, but suddenly her back stiffened and she changed the topic of conversation. “You know, Lilliana… I really wish you hadn’t forced us to follow you into the other dimension to find mother and Shena.” Her innocent eyes were suspicious.


Lilliana’s eyes immediately became slits. She knew her sister was up to something, and suddenly she knew <I>what</I>. A chill went up her spine and her back straightened. Indeed they were not alone.


As Lilliana glared on, Daina smiled guiltlessly and ushered her nieces toward the castle.


Lilliana didn’t need to turn around to see who was there, but did anyway. At the edge of the forest he stood in his massive beastly form, growling lowly.


She sighed heavily and walked toward her husband. “What is it, dear?”


“You know damned well what is the matter,” he roared. “You are always putting yourself into harm’s way and I’ve had enough!” He swiftly changed into his human self and stood, her chin was to his chest.


“Andreius, I have not concluded my business with Shena.”


“For now, you have,” he advised. He pinned her against the giant tree with one firm hand. “You will listen to me.” His eyes were still piercing gold. His face neared hers. “This world is not safe now. I will not risk losing you. Look into my eyes.” He lifted her chin and made sure her gaze was fixed upon his. “You will not leave my side again.” His look had never been more severe.


Her eyes were like daggers. She did not like to be caged. “Andreius, I cannot stop now! And I won’t be forced!” she insisted.


“If need be, you will,” he warned.


She slipped from between him and the massive tree and scoffed. “I’m going to your father’s castle to get Shena—”


“And you will not go alone,” he reminded. His voice was fearsome, but concerned.


Just then, a voice called from behind him. “And she won’t have to, my son. Your father has invited us all to his castle tonight.”


Andreius and Lilliana turned to see the large bronze-colored wolf sauntering down the hill with four males at her sides. She stopped and transformed into her stunning human self, her golden-bronze hair draped over one shoulder, an ivory wrap around her athletic frame. She was Accalia, Queen of the wolf people, and mother to Andreius, Jacob, Hunter, and Geoff.





Part 45 by DL


Andreius sighed and placed a hand on his forehead. Could this get any more uncomfortable? Dealing with his wife and Father was bad enough, but now his Mother?

“Hello Mother.” He smiled wanly.

“Now is that anyway to greet your Mother?” She asked somewhat crossly. “Give me a kiss.” She presented her cheek for him to comply. “You look thin son. Are you eating?”

“Yes Mother I’m eating just fine.”

As the trio made their way through the dark forest Lilliana and his Mother were chattering away. “You should see the amount he eats, Accalia. It’s always a huge leg of mutton; cheese and bread, full fat mind you and don’t get me started on how much ale he consumes.”

He opened his mouth to protest when Lilliana saw him and snapped “Don’t even start with me Andreius, you KNOW it’s true. You’ll never see any peas run across that plate.”

He started walking more swiftly in an effort to provide a little distance between himself and the women.

“I see you once in a thousand years and you try to flee from me?” His Mother remarked. “Slow down son, your Father will wait.”

As Andreius was pondering exactly why he needed women in his life they arrived at their destination. Hell on earth.

Entering the cave Lilliana raised her eyes, taking it all in. The stalagmites rose from the floor, taking on an eerie red glow, illuminated by flames. The anguished cries of the damned rang loudly through her ears. In the midst of it all there was her sister, Shena. Trapped in a cell of flames.

Daina, Narkissa and Lysandra arrived at the castle looking for Myrriana. They found her with Jacob seated in the garden.

Updating her on the situation Myrriana knew what she had to do. It was time to confront her Mother.

“Let me accompany you on your journey my love.” Jacob beseeched her.

“Of course.” Myrriana smiled gently.

“But Mother, the ripple in time is too unstable, we must bring Grandmother here or there is no assurance that any of you will survive.” Ladyhawk protested.

“Of course you are right my daughter.” In the midst of all of the turmoil Myrriana had to smile. Her daughters being with her through this nightmare made her proud. Their loyalty and their intelligence far surpassed anything that she, as a Mother had ever hoped. She felt a sudden twinge deep in her heart when she heard her sweet daughter refer to her Grandmother. How would she ever work this out?

Gaia was so weary. She knew she had had wronged her girls, but she had tried very hard to make up for it. She felt as if she just wanted to lie down to sleep and never wake up.

“Girls, we need to bring Gaia here. You know what we have to do.” Myrriana and her daughters made their way into the great room of the castle and sat in a circle on the cold stone floor. Holding hands and looking towards the heavens they began their ancient chant.

Gaia suddenly felt it, as if she were bring ripped apart from the inside. A swirling vortex appeared behind her and swallowed her up, her screams never being heard by anyone.

A flash of light appeared and suddenly Gaia sat in the middle of the circle.

“Hello Mother.” Myrrianas voice was low and dangerous.

“Myrriana, why have you brought me here? If you had left me there I surely would have perished. Isn’t that what you all desire?”

“No Mother, what I desire is to understand why Shena is more important to you than your other daughters. What is the hold she has on you?”

For the first time Narkissa spoke up, her eyes full of tears. “Help us understand Grandmother. You aren’t evil. You taught Lysandra and me of nature and its glorious powers. We walked the paths with you and learned of healing, not hurting.”

Accalia, Lilliana and Andreius finally reached his Father.

“My family, be seated.”

As Andreius bent his knees to sit he noticed two pair of disapproving eyes boring down on him. Standing back up he walked to his Mother and wife pulling their chairs out for them.

Satisfied, the ladies sat and Andreius rolled his eyes. His Father chuckled and whispered to him “It’s sort of like your own hell on earth, huh son?”

“Why would you ever want the two of them in the same room? Even you aren’t that powerful.” Andreius whispered back.

“My family, we are at a standstill and we need to make a decision. Does Shena burn for eternity or do we release her?”





Part 46 by Mystique


The moon had set and the sun rose, with the threat from the Elders thwarted at an agonizing price. In the distance a storm is brewing, but unknown to the family as of yet. It’s not an ordinary weather event that has arisen. With an unwittingly deed, it was generated by a rift in time; threatening to suspend all as it’s known, to cease to exists.

Gaia had broken a rule by spiriting Shena to the past, in an attempt to change her; but interference by the arrival of her two daughter and two granddaughters, interrupted it. Lilliana didn’t waste time in attacking her sister, but her assault came to an abrupt halt by the rescue from an unlikely source. With no other reason to stay the four left, leaving Gaia to fend for herself. But that was short lived, as Gaia was pulled into time by Mystique, Lysandra and Narkissa. The vortex in time they created pulled her from the past and into the midst of the circle. Now she sits, to answer a question to why she continues to betray the ones she says she loves.

“Now Mother! Why is it that you continue to betray us, with your constant obstruction of Shena’s retribution for her sins against us?” Myrriana slowly made her way around the circle, her dark eyes fixed on her mother. Gaia came to her feet and looked around the room at her family. She sighed softly before she began.

“I have told you all once and now I will say it again. To kill your own kind is a brutal and painful punishment. I will never allow my daughters to have to suffer such a fate.” Her eyes followed Myrriana’s every move. Myrriana watched with uncaring eyes. Her mother has yet to give them full closure.

“But that’s not all is there Mother. There is more that you won’t reveal. I can smell it emitting from you.” She glared at Gaia, tired of her deceit. Gaia walked up to her daughter, a very brave thing to do; considering what she almost did to her.

“What you speak of is true. But under certain circumstances may it be perform. And this is not the case. But if you haven’t figured that one out yet, then you will never understand the rules, Myrriana!” The Mother spurted. Myrriana’s anger had overruled her. She sent a mind burst at her mother and threw her backwards, reeling in pain to the floor.

“Myrriana!” Jacobs’s voice grabbed her. She turned from her mother, releasing her. Gaia began to wail. One thing she has always been sure, was Myrriana’s love of her was unchallenged. But now she knows she has lost it. At that moment, Hunter and Geoff ran into the room.

“Jacob! Can we have a word with you privately?” Hunter and Geoff stood at the door. Jacob turned to them and could see what was going on before they said anything.

“Mother is here? And what is this about a meeting we weren’t invited?” Jacob pranced back and forth.

“It’s not anything good. Shena is involved.” Geoff informed him.


Jacob stopped. Shena’s name never meant anything good. Suddenly a great flash of light filled the skies, followed by a thunder clap so enormous the earth quaked and rocked the castle. Myrriana whirled around and slowly moved through the room and out the double doors into the garden.

She stood as a statue allowing her mind to be free. It roamed as far as it could seeking the source. She was enjoying this knew found power. Then she came upon the culprit. A tear in the time veil had occurred when her Mother went back to the past. It will soon grow so wide, it will suck everything within it and time will be no more. But that is not the only thing she could see.

“Myrriana!” Jacob followed by Hunter and Geoff, came out into the garden. Jenevieve, Daina, Lysandra and Narkissa were standing at the door watching the skies and the unusual storm approaching. Gaia moved up behind them and gasped.

“I know this! But I’m not strong enough to curtail it.” Gaia spoke as the winds began to kick up. Myrriana turned to face her mother. All stood in shock of her appearance. White veils had covered over her eyes and her aura was bursting through her body, causing a huge bluish glow to surround her. Gaia closed her eyes and allowed her daughter to enter and absorb the knowledge she had of the remedy.

“Jacob! Take the family to your father’s lair. Something big is about to occur. I will stay here and try to mend this.” She instructed. Her voice was unlike her own. It was haunting and hollow. Jacob came up to her and peered into the white eyes. Even through the veils, he could still see into her soul. She smiled, knowing. Nothing needed to be said. She turned away to face the storm.

“Hunter, do as Myrriana says. I will not leave her to do this alone!” Jacob looked at his brother. Hunter nodded and told them to follow him.

“I don’t know why I even say those things to you. But I understand. You’re only doing what I would do in turn.” She said this and began to levitate. Jacob was stunned.

“When did she learn to do that?” He said out loud.

“It’s a gift from my father. And by the way, speaking of whom........” She disappeared into the storm, leaving her laughter behind.

Myrriana rode on the waves of time, seeking out the midst; to mend the torn veil. She sensed it near as she sped towards the center of everything. Then she came upon it and with her outstretched hand, palm towards the tear. Used the knowledge given to her from Gaia, did exactly as instructed. The energy within her flowed freely, hitting the tear with such velocity a great shock wave flowed from it and knocked her back. There was this loud screeching, then silence.

“Myrriana! Myrriana!” The familiar voice flowed into her ear, bringing her out of the darkness to which she’d succumbed. Her eyes fluttered opened to a very welcome sight, her beloved Jacob holding her in his arms.

“Jacob!” She lifted her hand up to touch his face. She was weakened by the task.

“Shh, my darling! All is well! You diverted the catastrophe.” He carried her to their room and laid her gently on the bed. She tried to rise up, but he prevented it.

“But Jacob!” Her voice was back to normal as her eyes. And the aura that had encircled her had diminished. Jacob tried to calm her.

“Rest Myrriana! The threat has passed.” He assured her. But she shook her head.

“Listen! I sense all is not over. That tear? I heard an unearthly screech after I was knocked backwards.” She looked at him and in her mind he felt what she was feeling. She nodded her head.

Jacob rose from the bed and went to the balcony to peer out, allowing his animal sense to pick up anything that may be unusual. His eyes began to glow.

“My family, we are at a standstill and we need to make a decision. Does Shena burn for eternity or do we release her?”

“If anyone will be making any decisions on my daughter’s fate. It will be me!” Apollyon stood at the entrance of the lair with Uncle Paul at his side. Hunter, Geoff, Jenevieve, Daina, along with Gaia, Lysandra and Narkissa came up behind them. Needless to say, all were in total shock. Well, all but one, as Apollyon’s eyes washed over all the surprised faces and came to rest on the eyes of a smiling Accalia.




Part 47 by Night Mistress

(confrontation with Old Long Horn)

Myrriana had rested long enough. She was able to heal much more quickly than before. And when Jacob informed her of what he had seen, the two went straight away to the castle of darkness, and headed to the deep searing caverns below it where Jacob knew the gathering was taking place.



Apollyon walked ahead of those who accompanied him, his eyes fixed on that of his adversary. The two were similar in their purpose but their intentions differed greatly, and the two shared an antagonistic relationship. For years it had simmered lowly out of respect for their families, respect for the natural order. But Apollyon had been made aware of his rival’s recent machinations, and would confront him on this. He slowly made his way around the table and faced him. “I know of your scheme, Satan,” he warned, calling him by name. He slid back his hood revealing his smooth skull, tattooed with black symbols.  


Satan stood and glared into the crystal gray eyes of Apollyon. He did not appreciate Apollyon’s brazenness. “You know nothing.” His tone was dark and foreboding. “Why don’t you sit and mind your lying tongue like an obedient servant?”


Andreius stood and his brothers came to his side. They were preparing for further confrontation.


Apollyon was unmoved by the demon’s threatening words. “I do not serve you. Nor do I oblige your commands.” He stared defiantly into the eyes of the larger red demon.


Satan threw his head back and laughed. The sound was deep and sinister. The muscles of his neck flexed with every malevolent chuckle. “You amuse me Apollyon. You stand here intrepidly and prattle on, knowing that because of your own schemes you will spend a great deal of time in the afterlife right here with me. Maybe I should thank you for the entertaining performance and for the laugh.”


Apollyon did not blink or break his gaze. He simply endured Satan’s fun. But just as he was about to utter what he knew, Shena screamed out. “No!” she yelled. “Father, stop this!”


Apollyon and the rest of the family were stunned. Lilliana stood and roared ferociously at her twin. “Insolent witch! Mind your blathering or I shall mind it for you,” she growled.


Shena simply yelled once more. “You make idle threats Lilliana, yet here I am and there you are. You’ve been trying to get me for so long. What’s to stop you now?”


Lilliana’s chest heaved. “I will not attend to you here without permission. I’ll show respect in the house of the dark lord.”


Old Longhorn stood proudly. “You see Apollyon, you could learn something from my son’s dear wife.” He took several heavy steps and went to Lilliana’s side. He took her by the hand and twirled her around as if in a dance as the others watched. He then pressed her to him and placed one clawed finger under her chin. He looked into her eyes as he spoke to Apollyon. “Loyalty is all I ask of my family. From my adversaries, I command, at the very least, respect in my own home.” He released her and returned his gaze to Apollyon. “If you have something to discuss with me, it can be done privately and elsewhere.”


Apollyon now knew the demon was aware of what he spoke. Andreius and his brothers knew as well. They all knew that their father didn’t want Apollyon to speak of it in front of them. He was trying to evade the accusations in their presence. This fact made Andreius suspicions of his father intensity.


Suddenly, Jacob burst into the cavern, his look was fierce. Myrriana was at his side. He made his thoughts known to his brothers. Their suspicions were confirmed.


Then, Apollyon said something that halted the red demon where he stood. “We will speak of it here, Satan, once and for all. I know that Shena is in love with you.”


The crowd gasped but for Gaia and Accalia, who knew, and the four brothers who suspected it was true.


Shena screamed, “No! Father, no! Please!”


Apollyon continued. “I know that you do not love her, but her infatuation with you led her to do unspeakable things against her family for you.”


“Nonsense!” The demon yelled.


“It is true,” said Apollyon. “You took advantage of her young and vulnerable state of mind. You knew she was already headed down a dark and sinister path. And you knew she was their sister, even when she did not. And you convinced her of your love so that she would be willing to do your bidding.”


“No!” Shena screamed. “He does love me!”


Everyone looked her way and at the cage of flames that trapped her. She dropped to her knees.


Apollyon stared at his rival and concluded with one last point. “I know the sole purpose of your plot. I know that the Elders went behind your back and plotted to dethrone you and your heirs. But they didn’t know that you were working on a plan of your own. It was your own secret intention to destroy your own sons so that you could remain ruler for eternity!”


Uncle Paul knew this and looked to the brothers.


Gaia hung her head low. She’d wanted to change the past, to go back and stop Shena before she went under the red demon’s control. But her plan failed.


Accalia suspected this plot and had discussed it with Uncle Paul.


And Andreius suspected it all along, but kept his feelings secret. But now his brother had seen proof. When Myrriana healed the veil, Jacob saw them come through before it was sealed. It proved their father had planned every detail from beginning to end.


He planned Shena’s involvement with Andreius; he’d fashioned the lie about the brothers’ deaths at sea which led to Lilliana’s suicide, but when they broke the spell, he altered his plan in hopes that Gaia would bring Shena to the past—which he knew would open the veil. He wanted the veil open for one reason and one reason alone. To allow the elders of the past to come through with the tools to kill his sons. He knew that the only way to kill them in this realm was with the deadly athame daggers that were hidden in the past. The only way to retrieve them was for the veil to be opened. And Jacob saw it all. He saw the Elders coming, and he knew what they carried with them.


Satan reared his head, but said nothing. Everyone in the room stood and circled the demon as he stood next to his eldest son. Somehow he knew there was nothing more he could say. He turned to face his powerful son, Andreius, who stood authoritatively but eerily placid; his eyes were red as flame.


Suddenly, it was Andreius’s presence that dominated the room. He stared into his father’s guilty and uncaring black pools and spoke in a thunderous growl. “Apollyon discovered your transgressions, but <I>I</I> suspected them first.” That said, in an instant Andreius snatched the silver athame from Hunter’s belt and lunged it into the beast’s tough belly, his eyes never leaving his father’s dark gaze.


The red demon was frozen for several moments, stunned and staggered. He looked down at his son’s hand on the deadly dagger in disbelief. Suddenly, red rays of light burst from within him and his booming roar rocked the foundations of the earth. Andreius forced the blade deeper and was suddenly surged with every modicum of his father’s strength and power. In the next instant, his father was gone, and Andreius was the new dark ruler of the underworld.


Accalia approached her son and bowed before him. His fearsome eyes laid upon her but he did not yet speak.


“My son,” she said soulfully. “Do not forget the elders are on their way. Although they bow before you now, they still carry the deadly athames. You must retrieve them before someone else does.”





Part 48 by DL


Andreius concentrated his dark gaze on the fiery cage that trapped Shena. As his eyes cast downward her confinement disappeared.

Myrriana stepped gingerly onto the platform where the jail had sat and extended an arm to her sister. Shena was nervously suspicious but she extended her arm and let her sister help her to the cave floor.

Lilliana turned to her Mother. “We must all get past this. We must become a family again. I will forgive, but I will never forget.”

“My family, please allow me to speak.” Shena finally found her voice. “My intentions and my actions were unforgivable. My entire life has been set in motion to please the man I thought I loved. Even as a young child, he was in my head. Mother knew but was powerless to help. His power was just too great.” Shena hung her head as she continued. “I was misguided, but from this point on, I plan to serve my family as I always should have and I beg pardon for my discretions.” Her Mother held her as she wept, stroking her daughters hair.

“Shena, this is a new start and the family will welcome you with open arms.” Myrriana wanted her family whole. Her daughters had never known their Aunt as a friendly entity.

Lilliana turned to her husband. “We will take our leave now my darling. When you return to the castle we will have a celebration. A new era has dawned and our lives will never be the same again.”

“Jacob, Hunter, and your Father will stay with me here.” Andreius instructed. “We have much to figure out. We shall return to the castle before nightfall.” With a slight nod and a quick kiss, the women were on their way back home.

The cool autumn day seemed brighter than all the days before it. The air lighter somehow. Once back to the castle Myrriana informed the others of the day’s events and why Shena was with them. Her daughters and sisters were overjoyed to welcome a new sister to the family when assured that Lilliana and Myrriana approved.

“Let us get you set up in a bedroom Shena.” Daina took her by the hand, she and Jenevieve chattering happily away with their new sister. Once settled in her room Shena broke down again. This day had been too much for her. “Don’t cry Shena.” Jenevieve implored. “Your family is here for you. You are a part of something great now. These people will not abandon you, they are your heart.”

“I...I thought I knew of my heart.” Shena sniffed. “However all I know has changed.”

Andreius looked over the council of elders. “As you know, I have replaced my Father. His defeat is your victory for you may now abandon any thought of treason. That will serve no purpose. My regime is strong and unforgiving. Any thoughts of a hostile takeover will be dealt with swiftly, with extreme prejudice. Clenching his strong jaw he scowled at the men before him. “You will do my bidding and you will do so with no hesitation. Do I make myself clear?”

The elders before him nodded somberly. It was clear that Andreius would be quite a different leader from his Father. Old Longhorn reviled in the fact that he was the master. His own gain was always the desired outcome. Andreius was all business, he desired no gain. His only desire was to fulfill his obligations.

Sensing hesitation on the part of one particular elder Andreius flashed his eyes towards the offender. The transgressor’s body went limp and slammed into the cave wall behind him, disappearing upon impact.

“Let that serve as a warning.” Andreius voice was stern. “You are all dismissed.”

The women were busily cooking and setting up for the celebration. A new family member and Andreius with a new existence. Myrriana and Lilliana took a break and sat on the balcony sipping red wine.

“Are we wise to accept her back?” Lilliana asked of her sister.

“We must, she is blood and she was under his trickery.” Myrriana leaned forward and whispered “However that doesn’t mean we must be blind to the things that go on around us.”

Lilliana swirled the wine in her glass. “Indeed.”

As the men approached the castle they observed every torch and lantern lit festively, awaiting their triumphant arrival.

Upon arrival the women handed them ale and led them to the great feast in the dining hall. Red and purple linens draped the walls. The elaborate pillar candle holders and lanterns lit up the room. The illumination of the swords and shields on the walls glowed a brilliant gold. To compliment that illumination, the golden goblets at each place set off the rustic wooden bowls.

Platters of fruit and cheese were abundant along with the roast turkey legs. Jenevieve bustled in with a platter of fish poached in almond milk and Daina followed behind with tarts and hearty breads.

The mood was jovial and all of Shena past indiscretions were long forgotten. She even managed to relax and enjoy herself with her long lost family.

The minstrels played happy music and Andreius danced with his wife. Holding her close and smiling into her eyes. “My dear, let us feast.” Andreius led her to the great table and pulled her chair out for her.

The night was a wonderful success. Everyone was exhausted from too much drink, food and dance. As the partygoers made their way to bed, Shena looked around happily. She had truly been accepted, something she had never felt in her life.

Sliding her gown off and stepping into her bedclothes she sighed in contentment and closed her eyes. They snapped back open when she hears her name being whispered softly. “Shena....Shena”

She sat up with a start. “Old Longhorn?” She whispered back.




Part 49 by Mystique


A father’s confrontation with another to save a wayward child from the judgment of one who had used her misguided actions for his own gains. An Eldest Son stepped forward to end his father’s transgressions, a new leader claims his throne and any opposition is dealt with swiftly. A sister reunited with her family, so it seems. All is forgiven, but not forgotten. A gala planned in celebration of the days victories. But as well known, all is never as it seems in the land of immortals.

“Shena....Shena!” She sat up with a start.

“Old Longhorn?” She whispered back.

“Yes! It is I!” The low voice entered her mind. She peered around the room seeking the host. But emptiness is all she found.

“Shena!” Once again in flowed through her mind. She left her bed and moved about within the confines of her room.

“Lucifer!” She called him by his given name this time. A hollowed figured formed before her. She gasped, stepping back.

“No! No! You’re gone! Andreius destroyed you!” She covered her eyes and slumped into a corner. Will she ever be free of this demon?

“Shena!” A voice called out to her. This time it was different. One she welcomed in this moment in time. She lowered her hands from her face and looked up into her sister’s eyes.

“Lilliana?” She rose to her feet and stood face to face with her twin.

“Yes! I felt something and had this urge to come to you. You alright?” She could see the answer as she asked. Shena looked passed her and in the spot she had seen him.

“Yeah! I guess.” She walked over to her bed and sat on the edge. Lilliana came to sit next to her.

“If we’re going to make this work, Shena. You have to meet us half way. And I say that, I mean no more secrets and lies.” Lilliana warned. Shena nodded her head and sighed loudly.

“I don’t want to go there anymore. No! I refuse to go there! I will deal with whatever I have to assure nothing befalls this family again.” She peered into the eyes of her sister, and in them Lilliana saw the truth. She reached out and laid a gentle hand on Shena’s own.

“Good! Because my twin. I may forgive you, but nothing is forgotten.” Lilliana left her side and without looking back, leaving the room. Shena watched as she disappeared through the door. She fell back on the bed, staring into the ceiling.

“Shena!” The voice came again. She flew back up and jumped to her feet. And there stood the transparent figure.

“You listen to me now, you Old Red Demon! You fooled me once. That was a shame on me, because you will not do it twice.” She slowly stalked up to it.

“Look my Love! I was just fooling them. I didn’t want them to know how much I really care, less they use you against me.” He began to plead his case. She glared unfeelingly.

“Really? So the cage of fire and the calling together of the family was all for show, huh?” She paced back and forth in front of the hologram form.

“Yes, my dear! All to make them think I was going to destroy you so I could get in their good graces, for what I was truly planning,” he explained.

“To kill your sons and take over the kingdoms.” A brow raised at him.

“Yes, and you as queen next to me.” He smiled showing all pearly whites.

Her eyes became as slits. “I have no idea how you’re coming to me, but I know you’re done in this realm. And I’m done with you! I learned a valuable lesson from you. It’ has made me the stronger. Wherever Andreius sent you, enjoy your stay!” She whirled around and got back in bed. And for added theatrics; threw the cover over her head, blocking out any more contact.

“Hmmm!” Myrriana gazed out into the dark night, the moon illuminating the land. Jacob moved up behind her wrapping his arms about her waist.

“Something is on your mind. It calls out to me.” His breath touched her ear. She moaned from the nearness of him.

“Nothing that can’t be dealt with later. As of now, all I want is you.” She turned into him and tilted her head back. He leaned in and pecked her neck lightly, moving up to her mouth and covering it with his own, kissing her deeply.


“Damn! Damn! Damn!” He stomped about the hideous place he would now call home.


“And that you <I>are</i> my son!” The woman’s voice informed him.


His dark eyes regarded her with such contempt.

“Yeah! And what would that make you, Old Witch?” He spouted back. She slowly rose to her feet and came closer to him, standing a few inches above his height.

“It makes me free to come and go as I please! What about you, my spawn?” Her laughter filled the cave as she moved pass him, leaving him to sulk.

“Wait! Where are you going?” He called after her. She paused at the entrance way, never looking back.

“It’s time I pay my grandsons a visit! Especially now that you won’t impose a problem.” The swish of the hem of her garment sweeping the ground, diminished with the widening gap between them.


In the wooded area far from the borders of the kingdoms. Four lost souls sat waiting for the signal to deliver the packages they had brought from the past.

“When will we be summoned us to the Black Castle?” One of the guardians asked, warming his hands over the open fire.

“It should have been by now.” One replied, searching the darkness that surrounded them. Suddenly a branch broke. The four jumped to their feet, swords drawn as a hooded figure approached.

“Stay your swords honorable guardians. It is I, Beelza. And I bring you disturbing news.” He stepped into the light and pulled back his hood, revealing the greenish snaked like skin and yellow reptilian eyes.

“What say you, Beelza, right hand to the red demon.” One moved forward to hear what he had to say.

“I’m no longer his right hand. Another holds his kingdom now. His son Andreius took his life as we know it and claimed the throne. They are aware that you four are on your way with the athames, and your lives are in danger.” His eyes roamed from one Elder to the other. They stood stunned. Now what were they to do?

Andreius sat up in bed, Lilliana laid next to him sleeping. They had stayed at the castle for the night due to the gala. But now something was stirring. He left his bed and quietly left the room not to disturb Lilliana. He made his way through the corridors and came upon his brothers, Jacob, Hunter and Geoff. They had felt it too. All four descended the stairs and moved through the huge doors, out into the yard. The scent of the unknown flowed through their nostrils. They immediately transformed to defend.

“No need to alarm yourselves, my dears. I would never harm any of you, unlike your father.” She moved out of the shadow and revealed herself. Taller than any of them. Her hair was black as night, but her skin was white as snow. Her eyes were crystal clear.

“Who are you and what do you want?” Andreius asked, remaining in his wolf form. She allowed them into her mind.

“What the.....?” Jacob reverted back to his man form as did Hunter, and Geoff. Andreius was the last to do so.

“Yes, my grandsons. I am your father’s mother. And now that you have disposed of him as well as he deserved, he can’t keep me from you any longer.” She smiled and looked at each with such adoration.

“He never told us he had a mother.” Andreius was suspicious.

“Well, he’s a demon and a deceiver, why would he tell us anything?” Hunter reminded his brother. She stood quietly as they discuss things among themselves.

“This is true. And she says he kept her from us. Why did he do that?” Jacob asked as he approached her.

“Because she would have warned you of his deeds. As she is here to warn you now.” Myrriana came up from behind. “I have heard of you in many mystical tales. I never thought it was true. Brumhilda, Queen of the Witches.

“Thank you Myrriana! But enough of the reunion. My grandsons! As you know there are those who come with the deadly athames. They are without the borders and one who knows their power has joined them. I fear for your safety.” She warned them. Andreius walked away thinking, but blocking his mind.

“It doesn’t work with me my darling Andreius. I know what you’re thinking. And I didn’t come all this way just to lose you.” She came over to him. He was astonished with her height. “They can’t use it to kill you, but there is another side of the athames that this one, Beelza knows. He must be stopped.” She informed him.





Chapter 50 by Night Mistress


(Notice: For the remainder of these episodes, the part of Jenevieve’s husband, Paul, will be played by Hunter… *soap opera music continues* and now back to the story…) lol


Brumhilda’s presence was like nothing the brothers had ever felt. She was a powerful, but light being. One felt as if she knew everything about everything. She was utterly calm, and she walked gingerly, delicately, but with purpose. Andreius looked into the crystal eyes of the tall slender woman, and all at once he knew that she was not only infinitely wise, but that honesty was her true nature.


She spoke to him with her mind. <I>Honesty is your nature as well, Andreius. But you keep your thoughts and words hidden until you choose to use them. You are very wise. And you are also incalculably clever, strong–yet you are guarded. You will be a more powerful ruler than any before you.</I>


“You spoke of another power of the athames ,. What is it?” Jacob asked Brumhilda. He was cautious of her, but would trust Andreius’s judgment.


Andreius answered for her. His tone was one of severity. “If wielded by kin, any of the daggers can kill an immortal, this you know. But they can also be used to resurrect one. In order to resurrect the dead, all of the daggers must be present in the ritual—all five daggers.”


“But we have the fifth,” said Geoff.


“Yes,” said Andreius. “And if someone intends to use them for resurrection, they will attempt to obtain it from us.”


“But who would they want to resurrect?” asked Geoff.


Myrriana, who still stood silently beside them, turned to Geoff. “Can you think of no one?” she asked softly.


Instantly the three brothers were washed with realization.



Upstairs in her chambers, Lilliana was in a dream. She tossed and turned, her dark tresses tangled around her face. She dreamed of the dark forest. She was walking barefoot in her nightgown along a path of colored stones. At the end of the path there stood a basket bathed in moonlight. She knelt before it and leaned forward to peer inside. Suddenly she was interrupted by a smiling woman who appeared like a light in the darkness. Her eyes were crystal clear, her skin was white, and her smile was genuine. The woman neared her and placed one finger to her lips, “Shh…” she whispered. And Lilliana instantly woke.


She sat up panting for breath. She couldn’t understand the dream. She turned to reach for Andreius, but he was not there. She slid out of bed in her nightgown and was compelled to go to the balcony. She walked barefoot across the cool stones and peered over the edge. There, she saw Andreius, with his brothers, Myrriana, and to her astonishment, the woman from her dream.


The woman slowly looked up to the balcony and smiled knowingly.


Andreius felt his wife’s presence and turned to see the two women whose eyes were fixed on each other. He was perplexed. “Let us continue this discussion later,” Andreius insisted.


“As you wish,” Brumhilda obliged.


Andreius turned to his brothers, his look was stern. “Keep constant watch on Shena until I decide what to do with her.”


“Do with her?” asked Myrriana.


“Yes,” Andreius boomed. “We cannot trust anyone at the moment—and Shena least of all. She could be used by our foes to gain access to the dagger, even if she doesn’t know it is happening.”


“He’s right, Myrriana,” Jacob affirmed.


Myrriana stared at her husband and sighed knowingly.


He then turned to Brumhilda. “Will you be staying?” he asked.


She turned to him and smiled, the moonlight clung to her as if they were one. “I will be near, my child. And we will meet again tomorrow.” She turned and left into the woods.



Andreius reentered his chambers and saw his wife had returned to bed. He was still puzzled by the interaction between his wife and Brumhilda but didn’t want to wake her to chat. He climbed into bed but his wife was still awake. She sat up to one arm and leaned over him. “Is everything all right, Andreius?” Her first concern was whether his meeting outside was serious.


He turned to her. His voice was deep but quiet. “Don’t worry about it right now. Everything is under control.”


Now she knew it was serious. But he had spoken on the topic and she would not press him further. She laid back down, her head on his chest, his arm firmly holding her close. He then sighed heavily. “The woman you saw was my father’s mother.”


Lilliana sat up quickly. “She’s your grandmother?”


“Yes.” He could see the bewilderment in her eyes. “I saw the way you looked at her. Have you met before?” he asked.


“No. It’s just that I saw her in a dream tonight.”


Andreius became concerned and he too sat up in bed. “What was it about?”


Lilliana stood from the bed and stared blankly into nothingness. “I don’t know, my love. I didn’t understand it at all.”


Nearby, Brumhilda spread her arms to the moon and drew down its invigorating energy. She was filled with elation. She knew what Lilliana did not. But the younger woman would find out in due time.



Meanwhile… Deep in the woods beyond the brother's lands, Beelza's eyes glowed in the darkness and he grinned as he plotted his nefarious plan. But he was unaware that the woods had eyes - eyes which were watching his every move.


Part 51 by DL


The morning sun rose over the castle. The brilliant reds and tangerines of early morning were soothing to Lilliana who had tossed and turned all night. Sitting on the veranda drinking tea she was not well. She was worried for her family, her husband and herself. It was so all consuming she found she found herself feeling ill. Her family had just started to come together; even her long lost twin had been reunited with her. Would things ever get better?

Andreius walked up behind her, rubbing her shoulders and neck. "Are you feeling better my love?" He asked.

"Oh Andreius, I fear this might be too much for me. I can't eat, I can't sleep, when will it all end."

"I promise you I will end it all and it will end soon." Bending over he kissed his wife's head. "In fact I will start the process today." He stated firmly. "I will be back before nightfall." He was scared for his wife. He had never seen her so fragile and pale. "I am sending the physician to tend to you today and you will not protest." He turned and left, ending the conversation.

When the physician arrived Lilliana had taken to her bed.

"We must first check your elements my lady." He told her. She felt so weak she never even fought against the poking and prodding that would normally leave her in a rage. As the day wore on, Myrriana stayed by her side, frantic with worry. She had sent her sisters and daughters to tend to the house duties so the men could come home to a warm meal as they always did.

When the sun started to set Andreius arrived home. He made his way to the bedroom and would not be stopped by anything.

"Good Dr. have you any information for me?" He asked.

I have examined your wife. The four humours are in proper balance. Her fire (yellow bile) is perfect. The earth (black bile) is not evident. Her air (blood) is also as it should be and finally her water (phlegm) is healthy. All this leads me to only one conclusion, sir. You are going to be a father, and sooner rather than later.” The physician finished packing his bag and turned to shake Andreius' hand.

"A father?" Andreius repeated quietly.

Pulling a chair next to the bed Andreius thanked the physician for his time and sent him on his way. Setting a cool, wet cloth on his wife forehead he whispered to her. "Awaken my love, I must speak to you."

Lilliana opened her eyes, parting her dry lips. "Andreius?" She whispered. "I'm so thirsty." She managed to croak out.

He gently held a cup of cold water to her lips and smoothed her hair back from her forehead. "I can't help but feel your illness is all my fault." He smiled tenderly at her. "You are with child my love. We are about to embark on our greatest journey ever."

"With child?" Lilliana couldn't believe her ears. Of course she loved her and Andreius' unborn baby, but this was the worst possible time for this to happen.

Brumhilda’s smiled in the night. She could sense her grandson and wife were now aware of their gift. Her time had come to help them.

Andreius felt his Grandmother's presence; it enveloped him in a warm and wonderful glow. He now knew that with her help his wife and unborn child would be safe.

When Lilliana opened her eyes, Brumhilda and Myrriana were at her side. Brumhilda laid her hands on Lilliana’s head. Her illness started to slowly reduce while Myrriana watched on with knowing, but in awe.


“Your abilities are truly remarkable,” said Myrriana.

"When the sun, earth and moon are able to complete the circle of life, the results are mindboggling." Brumhilda smiled. "With you and I monitoring her diet and well-being we will assure that this baby will be born healthy and happy."

Myrriana and Lilliana felt at ease. The baby would be safe under the tutelage of Brumhilda.





Part 52 by Mystique


Myrriana left her sister resting. She and the unborn child were doing well. Brumhilda was crafted in the natural order of recreation of life. So after performing her expertise, all seemed well. Myrriana took some time out and walked through the garden, basking in the moon light and the gentle breeze that touched her dark silken skin. She was enjoying her solitude.

Her mind went back over events that had brought her to this place. She was still trying to get accustomed to her newfound powers and battling within herself. Usually Jacob, her husband and sisters would be able to read her thoughts. But somehow, that was no longer the case. She closed her eyes and allowed her mind to go free. It came to rest on a certain place.

"I must go there!" She whispered to herself, as she opened her eyes.

"Myrriana!" The voice flowed from behind her. She knew the person to whom it belonged and never turned to face her.

"Hello, Brumhilda. How is my sister?" She already knew the answer as she asked.

"You know the answer, my child." Brumhilda moved up beside her. "You are troubled."


Myrriana looked up into the clear eyes. They were endless. "Maybe," said Myrriana. She twirled around and ambulated some distance from her.


Brumhilda observed her with great concern. This one has gone through a transformation and hasn't a clue to how to deal with it.

"Want to talk?" She asked Myrriana, who was staring off into space.

"In my travels you were spoken of with such adoration. It was a joy to finally see that the tales were so true. And to think that we are now family." Myrriana had an excitement in her voice, but still the sadness came through.

"Yes! So my darling, what is troubling you?" She knew the answer, but wanted Myrriana to say it.

"I nearly died because my mother wanted to live. Then my father empowered me with some of his essence. I have no idea how to handle it or if it will take me over the edge not being able to control it. I could become like Shena and cause harm to my family." She began to wring her hands.


Brumhilda was silent, allowing her to vent.

"I'm feeling trapped!" She turned back to her husband's grandmother, eyes full of plea.

"I need to get away and find out who I am."


She was being honest. Brumhilda continue to silently stare at her, allowing her to try and figure this out as she knows she would.

"Answer me a question?” asked Myrriana. She stared into her eyes.

"What would you like to know?" Brumhilda asked.


Myrriana came closer. "How could a creature of light, bare such a sinister child?"

She studied Brumhilda, seeing how she reflected on the question, even though she knew it was coming. Something about when things are said out loud hit home.

"I wanted to be a mother, but it wasn't possible for me to do so. But a way was found and I asked would be alright to do so." She paused as if she was back in that time.

"I gave a drop of my blood, to form a child. Little did I know, I was being betrayed. Another's drop of blood was added. I knew when he was created what he would turn out to be. But I was hoping the part of me, would overrule the other and my love would be his guide." She took in a long breath, and then allowed it to leave. She glanced Myrriana's way, and for the first time she could see the heartbreak Brumhilda suffered.

"But it didn't work out. He embraced the darkness, reveling in manipulation and deceit. Sad thing is, he thinks he is the Red Demon." She paused. Looked at her confused.

"But he isn't! He's just a replica of the real deal!" She laid it out there. Myrriana listened to her story with astonishment.

"You mean?" Myrriana couldn't finish. It was just too unbelievable, to think all these years they thought one thing and it's not even true. Brumhilda nodded her head.

"No wonder!" Myrriana sat back down, stunned. And a great realization washed over her. Could she ever trust that the bloodline wouldn't be tainted? She looked towards her sister's room, where she laid with child.

"Don’t worry about the child. Look at how well his father and uncles turned out." She assured Myrriana, any children born from these men, will be just fine.

"So where did you disappear to?" Myrriana remained seated on the stone bench. Brumhilda strolled a few feet away, and then stopped.

"My son tricked me one day and imprisoned me in the place he is now. I saw when Andreius sheared him to his core. I watched as his essence flew by and snatched him as he pass, entrapping him in the same place he had held me. Now I was free to roam the land once again." She whirled around to Myrriana.

"But if they get all the athames. He could be brought back." Myrriana rose to her feet, contemplating. Brumhilda glided up to her side and laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. Myrriana gazed up to her. In her eyes see caught what they were trying to warn her.

"No Myrriana! It would be too much for you. Not to mention dangerous." She advised Myrriana tried a mind block.

"You're right! I will go to bed now. See you in the morning." Myrriana made a picot towards the castle and sauntered down the walk. Brumhilda held back, feeling a present near and turned to face them. The woman came from behind one of the hedges, staring in the direction Myrriana had gone.

"I'm glad you’re here!" Brumhilda eyes remained in the direction Myrriana had vanished. The woman was one of her scouts from her kingdom. She was dressed in men's clothing. She wore the tunic, stuffed down in the riding pants, with knee high riding boots, pulled up over the pants legs. She had a baldric holstering a scimitar. She was one of her best.

"You’re Majesty!" She bowed before her. Brumhilda motioned for her to stand.

"What news do you have for me?" Her eyes falling on the witch.

"Beezla is with the four Guardians. I feel your Majesty he is up to no good and the Guardian's lives may be at stake." She relayed her findings to Brumhilda.

"Just as I thought! They are clueless to what is going on or they would have tried to contact Andreius." Brumhilda took in a deep breath and allowed it to flow through her lungs before expelling it. She cast her eyes up to the castle.

"I have another task for you. This one will not be settled with your weapon, but with your skills as a Sorceress." Brumhilda turned to her.

"Myrriana! Keep a close watch on her. Never allow her to leave your sight or know your presence. She is more powerful than she realize. So be extra skilled." Brumhilda said this as she walked away towards the castle.

"Myrriana!" Andreius called to her as she came up to the top of the steps.

"Yes my Lord!" She addressed him. He gave her a confused look, and then realized what this was about.

"I want to apologize for the way I spoke to you earlier. It was just so overwhelming to find out I'm going to be a father." He explained his rude behavior. Myrriana's head slightly titled back as she regarded him.

"Twice you have spoken to me in an unkind manner and I allowed it to pass. The third time will not be so pleasant, my Lord!" Her voice was low and distilled, finished she pirouette and continued towards her room. Andreius stood for a few minutes, watching her disappear into the dark corridor.

"Boy! She truly is my wife's sister!" He scratched his head, staring down the empty hallway.




Part 53 by Night Mistress


Andreius had the servants in an uproar, preparing food, and drinks, and linens for Lilliana. She was in a fit because of all the attention. Myrriana was with her, and Daina and Jenevieve had joined them. They were happily discussing the news. But as the last round of servants entered her room, Lilliana threw back the covers and stood from the bed. “Leave me,” she told the servants. “I’ve truly had enough.”


The four handmaidens were speechless. They looked at her and to each other. Lilliana recognized their looks. They were frightened of Andreius. “But milady, the lord has given us orders…”


Lilliana sighed heavily. “I will take care of him. Do as I say.”


They were still unsure.


Lilliana raised a brow. “Leave now,” she said firmly.



They quickly left the room and went down the stairs. Andreius was coming their way. They nearly ran right into him. “What is this?” he asked. “Why aren’t you upstairs?”


“Your Highness,” one said with her head hung low. “She sent us away.”


His look became severe. “I gave you orders!” he reminded. But he could tell by the look on their faces that his wife had been commanding. He would have to deal with her himself. He left the handmaidens and scaled the stairs in a hurry.


Lilliana had dressed and was lacing her gown. Jenevieve was brushing the back of her long dark tresses.


“Are you sure you’re all right?” asked Daina. “Your condition is delicate.”


“She’s right,” Jenevieve agreed as she laid the brush on the table. “Don’t you agree, Myrriana? Tell her to rest.”


Myrriana said nothing, just smiled knowingly.


Lilliana looked in the mirror and gazed over her appearance. “I’m quite fine,” she said firmly. “I was fine yesterday, and I am fine today. I won’t be coddled over like an infirm old sow.”


Her sisters tittered to themselves and Andreius stormed in. Lilliana and her sisters quickly turned their eyes to him. The sisters knew what was the matter and quickly left the room. Myrriana shook her head as she closed the door.


Andreius inhaled deeply as he eyed his wife’s clothing. She turned away and sighed. She knew what was coming.


He went to her and put his hands on her shoulders. She was surprised by his gentility. “I only want what’s best for you,” he said softly.


She turned to him and held tightly to the front of his tunic. “Andreius, I feel wonderful.”


He held her close with one hand and stoked her face with the other. “After what happened before…” he breathed.


She closed her eyes and laid her head on his chest. “It’s been many years… but the loss of our son will pain my heart forever,” she managed to say, holding back her tears, but feeling gripped by sadness.


Andreius held her tighter. “And mine as well,” he replied.


She looked up into his melancholy eyes. “Andreius, I swear to you, I feel divine. Do not worry.”


The dark lord smiled tenderly. “I will always worry about you, my love.”


Not many words needed to be spoken between them. Each knew what was in the other’s heart. He kissed her lips softly. “I will give you room to breathe,” he promised.


“That is all I ask,” she replied with a smile.


“But I will also keep a watchful eye on you,” he said. “And I insist our servants tend to your every need.”


Her face turned sour. “But, Andreius—”


He cut her off and clarified his statement. “But they shall ask you first whether you have any needs.”


This made her very happy. She held him tighter and they kissed once more.


Then there came a knock at the door. It was a servant with news that the brothers were together as Andreius had requested, and they were waiting to speak with him. He would tell them the news of his coming child; discuss taking his place at the black castle, and the whereabouts of the four delayed guardians.


He instructed the servant to check on Shena and to report to him. Then he escorted his wife to the great hall where his brothers were waiting. Lilliana would leave to find her other sisters. But as they were about to part ways, Brumhilda entered the castle hall.


“Andreius, Lilliana. The two of you are full of ardor and devotion for one another. I can see it in your eyes, in your auras.” She smiled genuinely, and Lilliana held tight to Andreius’s hand. “But alas, that is not what I came to discuss. I understand that you have business at the moment, but I would like to speak with you as soon as possible. It is a matter of tremendous importance. It concerns your bloodline.”


Jacob, Hunter, and Geoff were immediately alarmed. They stood and stared at their brother, awaiting his response.


Andreius looked at his brothers and back to the elder woman. He instantly knew that whatever her news, it was part of the reason she’d come to this place to begin with.


Brumhilda spoke to him with her mind as she smiled.< I>You are correct, my dear grandson. And it is of the utmost importance</I>.


He was concerned and spoke aloud as the sisters entered the hall and the men looked on. “Then tell us all at once,” Andreius insisted. “All of us shall hear this news.”


He sat at the table with his brothers and their wives. Lilliana was by his side. Brumhilda did not object. She sat at the end of the table, opposite the dark lord.


The afternoon sun was beginning to set into the west and the light in the great hall was waning. Andreius’s eyes were fixed on the elder woman and the fireplaces began to burn with nothing more than a blink of his eyes. “Enlighten us, Brumhilda,” he politely demanded.


While her mind’s eyes took careful notice of each of the family members, her physical eyes spanned only to Andreius and Lilliana. “It is the reason I’ve come here, the reason your father imprisoned me. He was always on a dark path, but he was not always as misguided as he became later in life. I suppose it was inevitable, evil is what he was bred for.”


The four brothers and their wives shared looks of perplexity, but said nothing. Brumhilda’s eyes were elsewhere as she spoke. “When he fully developed into his being, and after he had you children, he went mad. He forgot there was darkness greater than he. He began to assume the role of darkness, and decided to dispense with any heirs to his throne.”


Her eyes returned to Andreius. For the first time since her arrival, her look was grave and stern. “His plan was to get rid of the four of you… but that was his second task. The first, Andreius, was to get rid of your son...”




Far away in the village of Emerald Falls…


Lysandra and Narkissa had just left a tavern. They’d had milk to drink, which they found to be quite sour. “Their icehouse must be melted.” Narkissa spat.


“I agree,” said Lysandra as she wiped her mouth for what must have been the twentieth time. “I wouldn’t drink that again, not even if I was in cat form.”


Suddenly, something caught Narkissa’s attention. “Look! Over there… That man is hassling that young boy.”


They could hear the scruffy man yelling. “You stole from me, and now you’re gonna pay up!” He grabbed the boy by the shirt.


“I didn’t steal and you know it!” cried the boy.


“Oh, yes you did. See, who is the sheriff going to believe—me, an upstanding business owner— or you, a scraggly little ragamuffin? Now pay up!”


In a flash, Narkissa and Lysandra had snatched the boy out of the way and had the man pinned against the wall of his shop. “Do we have a problem here?” asked Lysandra wryly.


The man said nothing at first; he was taken wholly by surprise.


Still staring into the man’s lying eyes, Narkissa asked the boy what had happened.


The little boy was quick to answer. He was feeling quite a bit braver since the man was restrained. “I’ve been helping the blacksmith for extra money to help my mother since my father died. And every payday this hog pizzle tries to take my money!”


The man was incensed at the boy’s insulting remark. “Why you little—” He tried to get free, but the sisters slammed him against the wall once more.


“I wouldn’t try that again if I were you,” Lysandra warned.


“Yeah,” Narkissa agreed. “Stealing from a little boy and his mother? We’re gonna teach you a little lesson–”


“Not today ladies,” said a raspy, grumbling voice from behind them.


They were surrounded by three dirty, suspicious-looking men. They quite obviously worked for the shady shopkeeper.


The shopkeeper smiled. “Get’em boys!” he ordered.


Suddenly a deep, commanding voice came from the trees. “Let them go... or you’ll be very sorry,” the voice drawled.


All eyes spanned the woods, but no one could be seen. “Who’s there?” shouted one of the scraggly men.


“I said—let them go,” the voice commanded.


The voice was powerful and almost familiar to the young sisters, but they were sure they didn’t know it.


The men ignored the warnings and grabbed the two girls.


In an instant, an enormous blade split the wind and pierced into the wood, just hairs above the shopkeeper’s head.


Lysandra and Narkissa released the man and he ran off with his three goons. The boy ran away as well. The two young women watched curiously as a large young man stepped forward from the trees. He was illuminated by the torches on the road. He was tall and stalwartly built. His hair was dark and draped his muscular shoulders. He neared them and noticed their gaping mouths. He smiled and reached between them, seizing his knife from the wood and returning it to the sheath on his belt.


His grin was familiar, his eyes were piercing green.


“Oh!” Lysandra exclaimed and nudged her sister on the arm. “We didn’t mean to stare. You’re just so familiar. Have we met?”


“I don’t think so,” he replied. “I don’t know many people. Say, are you ladies thirsty?”


They looked at him blankly.


He laughed. “I heard you complaining about the sour milk,” he explained.


“Oh! Uh, sure!” said Narkissa. “What have you got?”


“Well, we don’t even know your name,” Lysandra reminded as she held her sister’s arm lightly. “I’m Lysandra and this is my sister, Narkissa.”


“It’s a pleasure to meet you. “My name is pretty elaborate,” he jested. “You can call me Silvio.”


The two young ladies were quite impressed with Silvio. He seemed a genuinely nice young fellow. And someone who was so handy with a hunting knife could prove to be a very valuable friend.


“Follow me. You won’t be sorry,” he said with a grin. He turned to the woods and they followed. Somehow they knew they could trust him. But they would be on their guard.


Back at the castle…


Andreius and the others were astonished by Brumhilda’s words, and all were asking the same question. “What is this about my son?” Andreius asked.


No one had spoken so candidly about the child they lost at birth since it happened. That Brumhilda would mention it now and in the same breath as she spoke of the red demon, Lucifer, shocked them all to a halt.


Andreius stood and his brothers followed suit. “I asked you a question,” he reminded, deliberately forming his words.


Brumhilda understood their emotions but could not rush these words. They had been pent up for so long, and their feelings would be so strong that she knew it was best to choose her words carefully. “My dear grandsons…” she breathed. “Please remain calm and listen to everything I have to say,” she pleaded. “I am here to tell you everything, and I will.”


The men remained standing and waited for her to continue. Andreius tried to remain calm, and Lilliana held tightly to his arm.


“Your father imprisoned me in order to keep this secret, but because of your actions I am now free. I wanted to tell you immediately, but I suddenly knew that your wife was with child… and I knew I had to wait to tell you...”


Suddenly, Andreius broke from his wife’s grasp and made way to Brumhilda. “Tell me what?” he asked, his eyes straining to remain green. He could feel the energy surrounding this news and tried to suppress any undue rage. His inner beast was threatening to emerge.


Brumhilda understood this and knew it was warranted. She stood and looked into his eyes. “Your son is alive.”




In the woods near the Emerald Falls village, Lysandra and Narkissa sat comfortably on two logs next to a large tree by a water fall. Silvio had built a fire.


“You’re really going to enjoy this,” he insisted as he knelt next to the tree, moved some brush, and reached into a secret hole under the trunk. He pulled out a leather canteen and two metal cups. He brushed off the ice crystals. “Here, it’s apple cider, and it’s really cold, I promise.”


The girls were astonished. “Where did you get snow to keep it cold?”


“Well,” he looked into both of their eyes and still felt they were trustworthy so answered. “The women who raised me taught me how to make it.”


The three shared the apple cider and talked and laughed. He was a little bit younger than they were, but not by much. And they all got along famously. It was as if they were bonded somehow. Lysandra and Narkissa learned that as big and strong as he was, he’d only just turned nineteen, and he hadn’t been allowed to venture away from home until recently. He was doing a lot of exploring, was a master of many arts–not least of which was blade throwing–and they decided to take him under their wings. The three decided from this day forward they would be thick as thieves, friends to the end. Silvio had to leave before it was too late, but they all agreed to meet there again the very next day, right in their secret place by the greenest of water falls.


When Lysandra and Narkissa neared the castle, they heard their uncle’s familiar roar, but it sounded fiercer than ever before. They decided to leave well enough alone and stay the night at Uncle Paul’s cottage.


Meanwhile, Brumhilda’s trusted scout was up in a tree watching Beelza try and lull the guardian’s to sleep…




Part 54 by DL


The entire room fell silent with the exception of a loud wail from Lilliana. Her sisters gathered around her protectively, though they all realized there was nothing they could do to ease her pain and suffering.


No one noticed that Shena had quietly entered the room and with a small cough she signaled her presence. "My family, I must interject here. I too have information about that time."


Andreius tensed up immediately. What could she possible know about this situation?

Shena drew a deep breath as she began her recalling of the events. "You know of course that Lucifer was my love or so I thought. I desperately wanted to be with his child and he promised me that one day I would have his baby to cement our love. But it was not to be. As you may or may not know however, as the dark overlord he is only allowed a certain amount of offspring. I was inconsolable. My misery was doubled when he presented me with his plan to eradicate your son. The baby boy, he was an innocent, I could not let him be destroyed. I would not allow it. I pledged my love to Lucifer and told him that I would kill the child. I informed him that my hatred of you both would allow me to override my maternal instincts and take the life of a child." All eyes were glued to Shena, no one ever dared to breathe as she continued her story. "Of course, that was a falsehood. There was no way that I could take the life of an innocent who had caused me no pain. Instead of killing the child I took him to a family who could not bear children. I left him on their doorstep and went back to my love and informed him that the deed was done.

"The family must have moved right away. When I returned to check on him, the home was deserted. Lilliana, Andreius, he was healthy and happy. That much I know. I’m sure he has suffered naught. Shena desperately tried to assure Andreius and Lilliana.

Part 55 by Mystique


The family stood about the hall, trying to make sense of the news presented to them. A child once thought lost, has been revealed alive. This upon the news, another offspring will be added to this extraordinary family. And yet once again, a sister's betrayal has come to light. She along with a father had plotted a diabolical plan. One so unthinkable. Now the family has an important task ahead. How to locate the child?

"When I returned to check on him, the home was deserted…” Shena had said.  

Brumhilda sat quietly, allowing her to finished her confession; in her part of taking the child and possibly ending of his life.

"There has to be a way to track him down, and we shall." Andreius turned to his wife. "He is out there, waiting for us." This is when Brumhilda rose from where she sat. Andreius could perceive she had more to disclose.

"What Shena is saying is only half truth. Everything she has told you concerning what my son and she had devised was true. And the part about her not having the heart to kill the child is also. But where the child and who had the child is a falsehood!" Brumhilda eyes scanned everyone present. Andreius stepped up to her tired of these games. Lilliana turned to Shena, not only had she tried to take her child and destroy him. Now the confession is an attempt to guide them on a wild goose hunt.

"I should have known you didn't have a decent bone in your body. How could I have been so stupid to let you off the hook once again, so easily?" Lilliana advanced on her. Myrriana stepped in front of her and stared her in the eyes.

"Stop, Lilliana, you are with child and need to think of the one you are carrying. We will find the other. And deal with Shena on another day time." Myrriana said this and turned to Shena. "And that's a promise!" Her voice was low and calm. She never was forgiving her sister for this heinous crime. Enough was enough.

"Please all stay yourselves. Let me further clarify what I just said." She turned to Andreius, who had come to her. He could see in her eyes, there was something very important to this puzzle. He nodded for her to continue.

"As I said. Part of her memory is true, but the other isn't. She never took the child to a family. That was planted in her mind, so my son wouldn't know the truth. She could not be trusted in hiding what she had done. Even when she told him she had killed the child, he knew what her mind revealed. But because it wasn't true, he never found the boy." She expounded. Andreius turned away and looked at Lilliana. This was more than she could bear.

"Where is my son?" She yelled with all the power she had in her. Andreius came to her and embraced her. She was strong, but a mother can only take so much.

"With my people. He has always been with us!" She revealed this and watched the various expressions come across their faces.



Lysandra and Narkissa were in their Uncle Paul's cottage, not wanting to be part of the drama they knew was unfolding in the castle. The roar of their Uncle Andreius alerted them.

"So Narkissa, what do you think of Silvio?" Lysandra asked, sitting in a chair at the table and drinking fresh milk. Narkissa looked over to her sister.

"You know, he reminds me of someone. I just can't figure who." She sipped her mug of milk. "Now this is how milk should taste." She nodded her head.

"Yeah, that tavern should be closed for selling sour crap like that. But now that you say it. There is something about him that seems familiar." Then a thud could be heard outside the door. The two girls looked at each other, then poised themselves and listened for any other movement. They sent thought waves to each other of a plan.

Narkissa transported them outside and away from the cottage, hidden in the forest as they watched a shadow lurking around. Lysandra shifted her shape into an enormous wolf. Narkissa transported herself above the intruder. They ready for the attack.

Narkissa pounced on him and they went tumbling over a few times, until the came to a stop. With him landing on top. She drew her knees into her chest and pushed them out with great force, sending the culprit flying backwards. With one motion, he somersault and landed on his feet. By that time, Lysandra in wolf guise was upon him, fangs bearing. He wielded his knife, encouraging the beast to come to him. That's when they both saw and recognized him.

"Silvio!" Narkissa called to him. His eyes shifted briefly to Narkissa, and in that instant Lysandra transformed into herself. He jumped back stunned. They were as he.

"Beelza sat near the campsite, devising a plan for the Guardians to get the athames. He could get a pretty price for them. He was tired of this endless bowing and shuffling to the Red Demon. He had learned many things from him and now it was time to use them for his gain.

"I don't know fellow Guardians. We should make contact with the new ruler and explain our delay. He should have sent men out looking for us by now." The one convey his uneasiness about holding the precious items out where they were vulnerable.

"Yes! I do find that strange we haven't seen any forces coming to us." The other looked around to all.

"May I remind you gentlemen, he does seek you out, but I'm protecting you from his wrath?" He stood up and looked at them.

"Okay if that is what is going on then so be it!" A third said sadly. They still didn't like being out unguarded with the athames. The scout of Brumhilda heard this and tried to figure out a way to get to the guardians, while Beezla wasn't around. On cue, he turned towards the woods and headed in the direction.

"Dear Sirs! I will go get more firewood." He told them as he entered it. The scout watched him disappeared and jump from the tree she was concealed. She would tell them of his treachery.

"I was wondering when you would show yourself." Beezla's voice came from behind her. She drew her sword to defend.

"Wow! I had no idea you two were gifted as I. So you didn't need my help back there in town did you?" He was laughing and took a seat on the ground near a tree. The girls looked at each other, then him.

"Silvio! What are you doing here? And how did you get here?" Lysandra asked. He put his knife away and smiled. Narkissa got this strange sensation. That smile belonged to another, she just couldn't place them.

"I never went home. I followed you two to the great castle above the hill and then here. So which do you live? The castle or this cottage?" He walked in the direction of the huge edifice and stared. Suddenly something tugged at him. Myrriana stood just outside the door. Something was going on, but she couldn't hone in on it. Brumhilda closed her eyes sensing something, and then her eyes opened. Her contact with her scout had been cut off. Something was wrong.

"I will make you some of my special brew. It will calm you so you can get a good night's sleep. For in the morning we will go where we can be safe, from both prey and the elements." Beezla came back with some hand-picked herbs. The Guardians were pleased he was so thoughtful. In the forest nearby, the scout was out to the world. Beezla had caught her off guard, hitting her with one of his incantations. His master would be proud.

"I left home to go out on an adventure. Hey! Why don't you two come with me?" Silvio asked of the girls. His eyes were pleading. They knew he was innocent to the world and going alone would prove his undoing. They whispered among themselves and made a decision. After all he helped them out.

"Okay! We will accompany you just to keep you out of trouble. It's interesting the women who raised you would let you set out on your own." Lysandra questioned their judgment. He looked back over his shoulder.

"They don't know I left!" He informed them.


"We want you to know." Jenevieve and Daina came into Shena's room uninvited.

"You will not get away with what you did." Daina finished.

"Yes! You are rotten to the core." Jenevieve came up to her.

"Wait! I have changed. Believe me. I was caught up in the Red Demon and his lies. But now I see it for what it is. I will do whatever it takes to make it up to everyone." Shena began to cry. It didn't move the two.

"Oh you will make it up." Jenevieve told her.

"We will see to it!" Daina injected. Then her and Jenevieve left the room, but not before Daina turned and with two fingers, pointed at her eyes then to Shena; mouthing "I'll be watching you!" Shena flopped on the bed. What a mess she had made for herself. She had to make things right. No matter what it took.

"Tonight we sleep and in the morning we will set out to the land of the witches. We will get our son back." Andreius announced.

"I will go with you" Lilliana told him. His eyebrow came together, but he remained quiet. No use fighting her.

And I too will go!" Myrriana insisted. Andreius didn't reject her, and felt it would be better if she was near.

"Jenevieve and I will remain here just to keep a watchful eye." Daina looked to Jenevieve then the others. Brumhilda smiled. They were making the right decision. Hunter and Geoff elected to go with the group. How much trouble could they get in at home?





Part 56 by Night Mistress


Jenevieve stood on a balcony at the back of the castle. She stared out at the Forbidden forest as the last bit of sunlight disappeared beyond the trees. She could see the flickers of those darker than the night as they moved about the trees and brush and inevitably into the ground. They were the Shadowmen keeping watch of the castle while the masters were away.


Jenevieve was deep in thought. Her sister’s son, alive after all of these years? Another sister, one who has caused so much misery, knew this secret all along? Jenevieve was filled with much light, and she wanted to forgive. She wanted to heal her family’s hurt, but the trouble with Shena physically sickened her. She had to know, once and for all, if Shena had truly changed.


Daina appeared on the terrace and saw her sister at the balcony. She knew what troubled her. “I understand your pain,” she admitted as she came to Jenevieve’s side. “Shena has done so much…”


“Yes, she has,” Jenevieve agreed in a firm tone. “She tortured us for centuries. Then we break the curse and return to this realm only to discover this latest news.”


Daina sighed. “I know all of this. And I understand how Lilliana, Myrriana, and the others feel. But somehow, since Andreius dispelled of his father, I feel that Shena truly has changed. I know that we shouldn’t trust her, but somehow, I can feel it in my soul. I know she can be trusted, although I cannot explain it.”


“Maybe the red demon’s passing from this world has released her,” Jenevieve suggested. “She had enough light within her to save the child—maybe when Lucifer left, that light was able to finally fill her evil void.”


Daina looked around to ensure no one was listening. “Well I say we play a little game and find out once and for all.” Her eyes grew dark.


Jenevieve smiled wickedly in agreement.



Meanwhile, Brumhilda and the others travelled to Faedren Forest and to the hidden realm of Crystallis–home of the great witches.


The women rode on horses, but the men ran as wolves. As they neared the hidden realm, Andreius, enormous, fierce, and black, tore past the riders quickly and to the unseen walls of Brumhilda’s realm. He transformed magically into his clothed human self in no more than an instant.


Andreius was one of the few who knew the location of Crystallis and how to enter. But he would not be unnoticed. The guards of the borders didn’t miss a breath of those who neared. With a wave of Brumhilda’s hand and the warmth of her thoughts, the witches let him pass through the veil untroubled. The others followed.


Jacob, Geoff, and Hunter followed their brother’s example and returned to their calmer human states in order to assure the witches they meant no hostility. Crystallis was a peaceful, magical realm, and as long as they gave up the boy, no trouble would come to the tranquil place.


Brumhilda smiled as she read the men’s thoughts.


The women dismounted and three women dressed as scouts retrieved their horses and took them to water. Lilliana and Myrriana went to their husband’s sides and Brumhilda took the lead and guided them all down the wide cedar-lined path.


As they walked they observed many women in various cloaks and gowns of various types. They were engaged in many activities such as mediation, cooking, drinking, talking to the trees and plants, and even swimming near the falls as they passed. They were clad in every color seen in nature, if they were clad at all.


Every woman smiled kindly as the guests walked by, their alarm at the presence of the dark lord was masked to all but those who could read their minds.


Brumhilda lead them to the center of Crystallis to the largest clearing in all of the forest. At the back of it was a grand palace created within the bends and curves of the great green and white kauri trees. Moss and ivy adorned its wood and gemstone walls, and crystals hung from the branches above. Brumhilda turned to the others. “Welcome to Witches’ Glen.”


Lilliana’s heart became anxious as she waited to greet her son, but Brumhilda suddenly had an odd sensation. She couldn’t feel Silvio’s presence. He had been allowed to leave recently, but something was different.


Lilliana ran forward. “Where is my son?” she beseeched. “Take me to him!”


Suddenly, a beautiful full-figured lady appeared within the great doorway of the wooden palace. She had pale skin and long lavender hair that was pulled round in a wide braid over her shoulder. She wore a long silver dress and black velvety cape with long, poet sleeves. She came to Brumhilda’s side.


Brumhilda, still feeling the sense of unease asked her aloud. “Lewella, where is the boy?”


“The boy?” she asked guiltlessly, as if no one knew of whom she spoke. Truly, he was the only male to ever live in Crystallis. But in effort to protect him, no one had ever spoken of him in the presence of strangers. However, Lewella knew full well it was the dark lord who stood before her, and the boy was his son. But habit had stayed her lips.


Brumhilda reassured her with her mind, and then spoke aloud. “They know everything, and have come for him.”


Lewella turned to Andreius and bowed her head respectfully. “I apologize, Lord Andreius. I know of whom you speak. But the boy is not here.” She then turned to Brumhilda. “Your highness, we haven’t seen him since yesterday noon.”


“Yesterday noon!” Brumhilda shouted then calmed herself. “He’s never been allowed to leave at such length.”


“I know this,” Lewella replied. “But he is no longer a boy we can fully control. He is a young man. We thought he simply ventured further away and is taking his time in returning.” She didn’t seem entirely convinced.


Lilliana felt weak and Myrriana and Andreius grabbed hold of her.


“Or perhaps he is in trouble! You were supposed to be watching him!” Jacob’s voice boomed. The three younger brothers quickly changed into large wolves and began to growl. Jacob’s chest heaved violently.


“Jacob!” Andreius bellowed and held up his hand to calm him. He then turned to his wife’s terrified eyes and spoke firmly and meaningfully, “We will find him.”


She gripped tightly to his sleeves and nearly tore them when he shot off into the forest with his brothers. His beastly form returned and they were gone in a flash.


The other woman helped a distraught Lilliana indoors. She was upset and not feeling herself. “How will they know how to find him?” Lilliana breathed wearily.


“They will have help,” said Brumhilda. “The trees have eyes.”



Far, far, away…


Lysandra, Narkissa, and Silvio sat next to a crackling fire by the river, eating bread and seasoned jerky.


“You know,” said Silvio. “This could be the life for me, traveling to faraway lands, never settling in one place for long, venture the entire world and never look back.” He drank water from his canteen and pondered that thought.


“Wouldn’t you miss your family?” asked Lysandra.


“Sure,” he replied. “I had many mothers to raise me, and I would miss them, but they coddle me. I am a man now. I have ambitions! And manly desires!” he yelled to the sky.


“Whoa there, big man!” Lysandra and Narkissa laughed. “One step at a time!”


He stood and watched his two friends giggle uncontrollably. “Go ahead and laugh, but I’ll show you!” He pretended to be perturbed. “You think I’m young and don’t know anything, but I can feel it. There’s more to me than this!” he said as he stared blindly into the distance. “Something’s brewing deep inside me, and just burning to break free. I’m a warrior! I feel like I can take on the world!” he insisted, forcing his chest out with his hands on his hips and his chin up.


The girls just laughed and laughed until they fell over and rolled on the ground. Somehow they found the way he gave his speech quite humorous.


Silvio huffed and turned his back to them, his arms crossed tightly. Lysandra and Narkissa then sneaked up behind him, nodded to each other and tossed him into the water.


When he came up, he shook the water from his head and smoothed back his long hair. “So it’s like that, is it?” he chided.


They had another hearty laugh as he marched slowly onto the bank, his clothes drenched and sagging, his tongue firmly in his cheek as he eyed them.


Narkissa turned to her sister and warned jokingly, “The warrior is coming! We’d better run before he spanks our hides, tee-hee-hee…”


They turned to make a mock escape when he took them both by the back of their tops. “Oh no, girls… you’re not gonna get off that easy…”


The sisters looked at each other with worry in their eyes… And suddenly he dove backward into the cold water, pulling them both with him. They screamed and laughed and splashed him…



Back at the castle…


Uncle Paul stormed through the doors. He had news of terrific urgency to give to Andreius and the others. He moved frantically through the halls calling out, but no one answered. Finally a servant came running and told him all were gone but Mistresses Jenevieve and Daina. They were somewhere with Shena. Uncle Paul scoured the balconies and then the courtyard looking for them. Finally, while standing in the courtyard he looked up and to his wondering eyes saw quite a sight up above. There, on top of the highest tower, he thought he saw Daina’s golden mane as she sauntered past the turrets.


Daina stalked around Shena holding a flask of whiskey. It was the last of many they’d just consumed. Between her own sips, Daina would have Shena guzzle and then ask her truth-telling questions while Jenevieve intermittently made remarks suggesting Shena could fly from the top of the tower if she put her mind to it. As Shena became more inebriated, she lost her ability to refuse to try and fly, and it was precisely at that point they knew she could not tell a lie. So they asked her clearly about her true intentions—to which she replied drunkily, “I’m a wretch, and I love you all. I shall never hurt either…. neither…. any of you again.” She then passed out in the chair she was tied to.


“Okay, I think she passed the first test…” said Daina.


Just then, Uncle Paul appeared. He was out of breath from having run all over to find them. “What is going on here??”


“Uh…” Daina and Jenevieve looked at each other to come up with an explanation.


Paul shook his head and tried to catch his breath. “Oh, never mind! Just tell me, where has everyone gone?”


Jenevieve, who was completely sober, explained about the new baby and the news of the first child.


“Thank the spirits!” said Paul. “I cannot believe this news! But hold! I myself bring terrible word – the four athames – they’ve been stolen from the guardians!”




Part 57 by Mystique


Uncle Paul made his way towards his cottage. There was something he had to do before returning to the castle. He had decided with the athames stolen from the Guardians, it would be better for him to remain at the castle until Andreius and others return.

Shena was safely tucked away in bed. She'll have a nasty headache in the morning. He suggested to Daina and Jenevieve, to find something more productive to do with their time than getting someone inebriated and urging them to jump from the highest point of the castle. He moved towards his cottage and beyond, heading into the woods behind it. He came to a small clearing and in the midst was a small pond with a waterfall. He walked up to the edge and waited. Slowly a faint mist emerged from the water fall and formed above the pond, then floated towards Paul. It had the appearance of woman, still partly a white vapor.

"Hello Honorable Paul. It's good to see you again." Her voice was like a whisper.

"Hello, my dear Symia. It is always my pleasure to be in the company of someone as lovely as yourself." Paul greeted her. She shimmered and smiled.

"Sir Paul, you are always the flatterer." She giggled and he let out this joyous laugh. He was infatuated with her.

"But then your visit is not one of a social nature, now is it?" She has known Paul for quite some time.

"You know me too well. But yes, my dear, there is so much chaos at the moment—as you are well aware." He began to walk the edge. Symia sense his complex.

"Yes dear Paul. The Witch Scout sent out the warning, to all messengers of the stolen athames." She knew of this for he too received her mind gram.

"I sent one for her to escort the Guardians to the Castle, when they're able to travel.” He informed her, and then went into deep thought.

“He's going to sell them to the highest bidder." He shook his head and then looked to her.

"Sad to say, he may not get what he desires. Dishonor breeds dishonor. What he wants may not be what he receives." She watched Paul contemplating.

"He is a marked demon. Every vile creature will be hunting him down." Paul looked out over the pond, eyes dazed.

"He may have learned things from the Red Demon. But he didn't learn the most important things." She began to float backwards.

"My family is split up. The brothers seek out a child we thought was dead. The two eldest nieces are safe with the Witches. Three others are at the castle with their antics. My two young nieces are missing! I worry less for my sister and Apollyon. They can take care of themselves." Paul sighed. Symia came to him and stroked his arm lightly.

"Your young nieces are with their new found cousin, though they are unaware he is. But all three are being stalked." She informed him, and then drifted away.

"What? By who or what?" He asked, but she had vanished. Paul stood at the pond's side for some time, before going back to the Castle. His hopes were that the brothers get to the children in time.

At the top of a mountain, three have watched and listen to the events transpiring. Apollyon stood with Gaia on his left and Accalia on the right.

"Well Ladies! It appears our family is in need of us." He stood with his cloak tail riding the wind behind him. Neither woman said a word. Gaia turned and glided down the mountain side towards the Witches’ Glen. Accalia took in one huge breath and released it with great force. Her body went into convulsions, as she transformed into her wolf shape and sped downward, to assist her sons. Apollyon smiled. He will go to the Castle, to make ready for what's to come.




Part 58 by Night Mistress


Andreius and his brothers ripped through the forests taking notice of every scent, print, and awkwardly-turned leaf in their wake. The other living creatures in the wood knew who was on the hunt and stayed clear so not to interfere. They spread out but remained close to each other so to move in the same general direction. No one asked so far had been able to offer any information, but soon, help came in the form of an old and wise friend.

The four men remained in wolf form as they hunted. The younger three slowed down when they saw Andreius had stopped and was surveying his surroundings. He stood before a great tree, the largest in all of Draeganwood. Slowly, its roots above ground stretched larger and blocked the other brother’s paths. Andreius nodded his head. As he’d hoped, the spirit of the tree had something to say.

As the wolfmen watched, a terrific breeze suddenly tantalized the leaves of the great tree and howled softly. Then, a translucent light began to emerge from within the whole of the tree and her branches. The subtle hint of eyes appeared and a soothing feminine voice could be heard. “Andreius…” the tree spirit began to drawl slowly and gently. “You have changed since I last saw you. Your charges are darker than they once were… but this does not burden you. You are suited to your duties. Something greater plagues you all. You will find the one you seek. His travels took him just this way. He is not alone. He journeys east. That is all that I know. Be well, sons of Accalia.” The light then vanished as quickly as it had come.

The wolfmen began to run. They ran easterly for miles and suddenly they knew that others were near– others who were also running through these woods. It was their mother and some of her pack, and something was wrong. Both groups ran for a clearing. As Accalia and Andreius arrived at opposite sides of the glen, they shifted into their human forms and met in the middle.

“My son, I have great and terrible news.”

Each of the brothers opened their minds to the message she sent them and all at once they knew the athames were stolen.

“How?” Andreius bellowed. His eyes grew dark.

“Beelza has used his trickery to obtain them. I don’t have to tell you that we must get them back immediately. But there is more. I know of your son…” she placed her hand on his shoulder lovingly. “I do not know where he is, but he is with Lysandra and Narkissa… they know not his true identity… nor that the three are being stalked by a person unknown.”

Andreius’s eyes burned gold, his chest heaved angrily. “He goes east!” he growled. “And we don’t know how far he might have traveled. He has not ventured this far before. If he doesn’t change course, he might trek too far into the dark lands.”

His brothers shot forward. “They would not dare harm the son of the dark lord!” Hunter proclaimed.

“They will not know he is my son,” Andreius reminded.

“You’re right, Andreius,” said Geoff. “But surely Lysandra and Narkissa wouldn’t lead him that far. They know the lands.”

Jacob stood simmering in thought. He was not as hopeful as his younger brothers.

Andreius turned to his brothers. “Dusk will soon fall. If they don’t change their path, it will be too easy to cross the border by mistake. And Lysandra can only look ahead if she is flying. I don’t have time for ifs.” He turned then to his mother. “Search for the athames,” he commanded. “Speak of it to no one else. And bring Beelza to me—in any condition. I’m going to find my son.” He returned to his wolf form in a flash and returned to the hunt. Jacob was close at his heels, and Geoff and Hunter followed. Accalia and the others rushed off to begin their search.

Meanwhile, at Witches’ Glen in Crystallis…

Inside the wooden palace of Brumhilda, Lilliana lay on a bed of white velvet over wild grass. It was an enormous room and the ceiling of branches seemed to reach high into the sky above. There was a small waterfall at one end of the room. It poured down a wall of stones and into a narrow pool in the white marble floor and flowed past Lilliana.

Lewella dipped a silver mug into the clear water and gave it to Lilliana to drink. “Here,” she said softly. “It is pure and will help you feel more at ease.”

Lilliana took the drink and sipped it. “Thank you. But nothing will make me feel at ease.”

Brumhilda sat next to her grandson’s wife and looked into her eyes. “May I?” she asked.

Lilliana knew instinctively what she asked. She wanted permission to use her mind to connect with the unborn child.

“Yes,” said Lilliana curiously.

Myrriana shifted in her seat. She too would welcome any news.

Brumhilda closed her eyes and placed her hands over the womb warmly. She relaxed her mind and then suddenly opened her eyes. “Oh my!” she said enthusiastically. “A daughter soon will come to you… but hold, I see not one, but two…”

As the sun began to set…

Lysandra and Narkissa strolled with Silvio out of the Draeganwood forest. They were having such a jovial time, they’d lost track of their footing, and Lysandra suddenly sensed it. “Wait,” she insisted. “We shouldn't go any further without discerning how far we’ve travelled.” She bade them all sit for a break. Darkness had fallen.

“You’re right,” said Silvio. “We should rest and reflect on our surroundings.”

The terrain had become rocky, but the trees were still quite present on one side. Narkissa gathered some sticks from the ground, and Silvio started a small fire.

Lysandra had an odd feeling, but dismissed it. “After we rest… and eat… I will fly above and gauge our location.”

“All right,” Silvio agreed. “You know something ladies?” he drawled as he was knelt on one knee by the fire. “In all this time we’ve spent together, you never told me about your own families. Why did you leave home?” he stared at them both curiously, his green eyes sparkled in light the flames.

“Well,” said Narkissa as she sat on a large rock. “We don’t actually live at home. We have both roamed the lands separately for many years.”

“That’s right,” Lysandra concurred. “I’ve spent more time at home though, with my mother, stepfather, uncles and aunts. Narkissa has not spent much time with the family.”

Silvio turned his gaze directly to Narkissa and tilted his head slightly. His looked was endearing. “You know,” he said with an honest grin. “You really shouldn’t stay away from your family at such length.” He returned his eyes to the fire.

Narkissa’s smile faded. Her breath stilled. “What did you just say?” she asked. Her heart began to pound her chest. His words were quite familiar. In fact, she heard those exact words said to her by someone else.

“Is something wrong?” he asked. His looked was worried. He stood, tall and towering and sincere.

“Nothing is wrong, Silvio. I didn’t mean to worry you,” she said with a smile. “It’s just that I heard those words before–very recently, in fact.” She stared at his large frame, his flowing hair and his fierce but endearing gaze and he was even more familiar to her than ever before.

Lysandra then had a realization. She looked at the dark land around them and suddenly knew where they were. “Oh no... we’re in the dark lands…”

“The dark lands?” Narkissa repeated. “Well… it’ll be all right. We’ll just stay a little while, then be on our way. They’ll leave us alone anyway… once they realize whose nieces we are.”

Lysandra stood cautiously. “Yes, but they don’t know Silvio and that worries me.”

Narkissa returned her attention to the young man. Lysandra was right, they should leave. She grabbed her small satchel, but there was still something about Silvio that really nagged at her. “Silvio, you are so familiar! Won’t you tell us your real name? All you told us was that it was quite elaborate.”

Lysandra picked up her things and her ears perked up—not to hear his name, but because she felt a presence approaching from all sides.

Silvio smiled as he packed up his bag. “Yes, it is quite elaborate,” he laughed. “My mothers refused to speak my name my entire life, so they called me Silvio. It means ‘of the forest’. But just recently, they told me that a change had come. And that it was safe to tell me my name. Now, you might want to brace yourself… it’s quite a mouthful,” he warned playfully. “My real name is Magnus Andreius Stylianus.” He waited for their reactions, but he didn’t expect what he got.

Both women dropped their belongings. Their mouths were agape, their bodies frozen. They knew that name and all at once the familiarity, the eyes, the mouth, the build, the voice – all came together like a firestorm which culminated in his second name. “Andreius,” they breathed simultaneously.

Suddenly, Narkissa’s realization became one of terror. "We have to get you out of here and somewhere safe!”

Silvio was dumfounded. “Why? What’s going on?”

“We’ll explain on the way!” Lysandra cried.

All three rushed to gather their belongings and were about to put out the fire when someone from one side approached. “Leaving so soon, young master?” said Beelza as he stepped out of the forest. His mouth was curved into a smug grin and his eyes were fixed on the man before him.

Silvio had no idea who this man was, but the girls knew. They pulled out their daggers and stepped in front of their cousin. They knew Beelza could not be trusted.

Silvio took note of this and gingerly slid his hand to his own knife mounted in a sheath at his lower back.

Suddenly, from behind, they were surrounded by the dwellers of the dark lands. Beelza’s smug look quickly left his face.